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Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I explored for a day with Nick back in the fall of 2009. We covered the now gone St Alma School in St Thomas and the train barns in Stratford. He was half explorer half dedicated photographer. It was a great day and it's not been forgotten.


Los Angeles, CA
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I never knew him, but he was still UER family and my thoughts go out to all of his loved ones.
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
RIP. Does anyone know if he was out heading to/from an explore or just otherwise travelling?
Philly area
Retired Explorer
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by toomas
RIP. Does anyone know if he was out heading to/from an explore or just otherwise travelling?

He was camping in Tillamook. Theres conflicting stories on what they were actually doing out on the road that night. I've heard… scouting hunting spots, looking for bear and looking for a lost pet that got away from the campsite. don't know what the actual reason was and frankly it doesn't matter.

I just wish he were still here.

I'll say it again, Nick was about as stand up as they come. Just a great human being. loyal to his friends and had no bullshit about him. Cant say enough good things about the guy. Unfortunately the world lost a good one and he is sadly missed.

Las Vegas area
When in danger, when in doubt, RUN IN CIRCLES, SCREAM AND SHOUT!
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I don't know what kind of family/relatives situation he has, but perhaps one thing we can do for him that he'd appreciate would be to ensure he lives-on thru his photos & videos -- I.e, a responsible person taking over whatever web site(s) he had & making sure the registration fees, etc. stay paid over the years.

Northeastern British Columbia
"Is that a 3D maglight in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I never had the pleasure of meeting NickSan but he seemed like quite the character, somebody I would have been proud of calling a friend. I really enjoyed his pics.
Hamilton Ontario
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Late in the thread I know, but how sad to hear. He once sent me a friend request on FB though for some reason I didn't accept it. RIP
Greater Toronto Area
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I never knew this man but having lost someone dear to me in a car crash, and seeing how much everyone loved him, I am feeling empathy and sadness for the loss. My love goes out to anyone who's lives have been touched by Nicksan who seems like a great man.
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I didn't know who he was but that is terrible. Especially considering all the good things people had to say about him here.

Rest in peace.
I'm currently lost, sorry
Disinclined to acquiesce to your request
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow, I'd been used to seeing his name around these parts and always enjoyed his pictures and the crazy locations he'd find. Sad to hear this.

RIP and condolences to loved ones.
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Didn't know him, but this is still a very heartbreaking thread to read. I kept expecting to see a post from him, being like "I'm ok guys!" but alas, it was a pretty sad ending...

Be careful out there guys.
Washington, District of Corruption
I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their views.
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Is anyone familiar enough to do that?
I texted/talked with him regularly, but don't know any of his people or his family.

Posted by /-/ooligan
I don't know what kind of family/relatives situation he has, but perhaps one thing we can do for him that he'd appreciate would be to ensure he lives-on thru his photos & videos -- I.e, a responsible person taking over whatever web site(s) he had & making sure the registration fees, etc. stay paid over the years.


Philly area
Retired Explorer
Re: NickSan is missing…
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by DevilC
I texted/talked with him regularly, but don't know any of his people or his family.

Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat.
Never talked with any of his Portland peeps.
I may be able to get in touch with Hilary although I don't know how much good that would do.
The chick that headed up the go fund me for him and Justin stated she wasn't in direct contact with Nicks family either.
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Nick was one of my favorite posters here. His style of shooting inspired me and I learned valuable skills from his art and style. I was proud to have him as a member of both my private forums. Class act all the way. Learned of his passing about 3 months ago. It numbed me. He always seemed bigger than life.
My condolences to all who knew and cherished him.

May you find what you seek, Nick

[last edit 12/1/2015 3:52 AM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Lethbridge, AB
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So sad to read this. I never had the opportunity to meet him but was a huge fan of his work and always looked forward to his posts on here. RIP NickSan
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

With a link to his images
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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Speed
R.I.P. Brother


NickSan "The been everywhere man"

[last edit 8/22/2016 3:24 AM by blackhawk - edited 1 times]
Cheyenne/Fort Collins
All Methods are good, Except for the bad ones..
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I am completely new here, and didn't know him, but I'm very familiar with that area (dated a girl from the multonomah falls area, we covered everywhere we could before moving back to Colorado, especially tillamook) and at night, even high beams aren't enough in some areas, blind corners, hidden bumps.

My thoughts go to those who still mourn, and re,e,her this man.

He looks like he was a lot of fun

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Mission Control
UER newbie
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Speed

Posted by Speed
R.I.P. Brother 


NickSan "The been everywhere man"

Nick and Steve's deaths still trouble me.
Nick's Photobucket account is still up


Philly area
Retired Explorer
Re: 08/21/14 - NickSan
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I still think about both of them pretty often.

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