General stuff
entry by Noah Vale on 7/5/2004 9:56 PM
Well, yesterday was the 4th and as I'd been planning or months, I went up to the Garvey grain elevator to enjoy the shows. There was a nice show at the Amarillo Armadillos stadium, which was practiacally spitting distance from my roof. I also had a good, albeit distant view of the other 2 shows going on across town. When I was up there, my friend called asking how to work her camera. While I was explaining her, I got some serious FRS interference or something on my phone and lost the call. The signal was so clear that I thought someone was using FRS in the elevator. I headed down but didnt see anyone, but they could have crossed over to the other building....Or I could just be paranoid.
Oh and today I went to Amarillo College to scout out some future roofing expos. I found a few, but none of the buildings on campus are very tall at all. Oh well, at this point I'll take what I can get.
Oh and today I went to Amarillo College to scout out some future roofing expos. I found a few, but none of the buildings on campus are very tall at all. Oh well, at this point I'll take what I can get.
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Golly, today was fun. I decided I wanted to get back into climbing so I went downtown and found a few nice places to go buildering. One was a church, that was made completely of uneven stone, perfect for climbing. I also found a construction site that was new to me, and a crane that goes up about 8 stories. I'm thinking about rappelling off it with a guy I met recently, but I think he's a little turned off by the whole illegality of it, since he didn't want to go to a certain park tonight to play capture the flag because it was closed and we would "get in trouble."
So, yeah, I played capture the flag tonight. It was a freaking blast. We played two games before everyone got tired of playing. We played in 2 different residential type areas, and I kept suggesting we go downtown and play. Thanks to the lies the media tells the citizens of this country, that was deemed to "dangerous" by my fellow playmates.
So, yeah, I played capture the flag tonight. It was a freaking blast. We played two games before everyone got tired of playing. We played in 2 different residential type areas, and I kept suggesting we go downtown and play. Thanks to the lies the media tells the citizens of this country, that was deemed to "dangerous" by my fellow playmates.
I went to the part of downtown that I've recently discovered as my new playground tonight. There's an apt. building under construction and some hospital/long term care/i-dunno-what-it-is-at-all-really place is adding a wing. I managed to climb up to the roof using the I beams that will support the walls. Once on the roof, it was sorta didn't go anywhere, and the view is really not that great. (Hey, it was only 2 stories up....whaddya expect) anyhow, I took 1 picture before I ran outta film. But that was okay, I didn't really go for pictures or a view, I just wanted to go climbing. And I also scouted out the crane I'm planning to climb soon. Maybe the day after tomorow. I'll have to go take a look at those apartments soon too, they are making great progress over there.
I went and did the crane I've been talking about tonight after I got off work. I went to the camera store today to buy a tripod just for this expo. One of those "tripods" that you can clip onto things. Anyhow, somewhere between my truck and the top of the crane, I lost a vital piece of the tripod, so I couldn't screw my camera into it. That was sorta upsetting, 20 bucks down the drain. Oh well. It was alot of fun though, I climbed on the "inside" of the crane's arm on the way up, and had a nice view from up there, I think it's about 6-7 stories high, based off the surrounding buildings. On my way down, I got tired of going down the inside, since it was very time consuming compromising all the cross bars and whatnot, so I climbed most of the way down on the outside of the arm, on the side facing up.
This was an important expo for me because climbing a crane has always been something I've wanted to do, but was always too scared to. I can now scratch that fear off the list, and thus open up new opportunities in the future.
This was an important expo for me because climbing a crane has always been something I've wanted to do, but was always too scared to. I can now scratch that fear off the list, and thus open up new opportunities in the future.
Snipz0r: Yeah, eventually.
Tonight after work I went and played sand volleyball with my friend Kilo. After we did that for a while, she suggested we go out to Hereford to do some shots that I had mentioned to her. We drove out to the slaugherhouse in Hereford, and as luck would have it, a good lightning storm kept us entertained on the way there. After getting to our location and setting up the candles, we were still much more intrigued by the lightning storm going on outside, so we stood in the doorway of this circular brick room and watched the lightning storm, taking many pictures in an attempt to get some decent lightning shots and in the process had a very enjoyable evening. The candle-y type shots came out a little darker than I was expecting, but I guess I'll have to take my film camera and cable release next time.
Tonight after work I went and played sand volleyball with my friend Kilo. After we did that for a while, she suggested we go out to Hereford to do some shots that I had mentioned to her. We drove out to the slaugherhouse in Hereford, and as luck would have it, a good lightning storm kept us entertained on the way there. After getting to our location and setting up the candles, we were still much more intrigued by the lightning storm going on outside, so we stood in the doorway of this circular brick room and watched the lightning storm, taking many pictures in an attempt to get some decent lightning shots and in the process had a very enjoyable evening. The candle-y type shots came out a little darker than I was expecting, but I guess I'll have to take my film camera and cable release next time.
Note to anyone who may ever call me while I am asleep and has a conversation with me: Do not hold me to my conversation. This morning between 9 and 9:30, my friend Rene called me to set up a poker game tonight. I told him I would call him after I got off work and we'd play. I do not remember the converation to save my life. I woke up at 9:45 am, after realizing I had set my alarm clock for 9:30 pm instead of am. I got to work a little late, and Rene just now (10:00pm) called me to ask me where the hell I was, and recalled the conversation to me. This whole not-remembering-conversations-while-sleeping thing used to get me in trouble in high school with my then-girlfriend.
I just took off a pair of soppin' wet shoes and socks. Why are they wet you ask? Because the roof of the Fisk Building was wet. I went downtown tonight and tackled a building that has had me intrigued for quite some time. Access was previously possible but difficult, and most likely involving 2 people...a luxury I lack. A couple days ago, I noticed a way up to the roof very similar to my original plans, but a bit more involved, but infinitely easier...If that makes sense. Just to be clear, this is a very active building, a bank to be exact; not the usual abandoned fare I explore. I'm not sure how many stories it is, I'll have to go in and ask, but it's at least 10. So yeah, there was a freaking ton of water on the roof and I soaked my shoes, socks and the bottoms of my pants. The funny thing about being up there with a nice view is that I got to see all the other rooftops around downtown I had done in the past. It's nice to feel that connected to your surroundings. It probably sounds sappy, but the relationship with your city is very similar to a human relationship...It doesn't grow; you don't begin to have a greater understanding until you go places you haven't been before, asking questions that may seem taboo or too personal to ask, and seeing things from another perspective; be that perspective be empathetic or simply standing on top of a building and looking down and the streets you drive every day. Good Lord, if that's not a run on I don't know what is.
Anyhow, I'll eventually post pics on the site and go into greater detail of my trip. This journal is for my musings.
Anyhow, I'll eventually post pics on the site and go into greater detail of my trip. This journal is for my musings.
Replace the hxxp with http.
Here's a link to a site showing what they are gonna do with one of my buildings downtown. Of course, my feelings about it are mixed. Pure greed tells me this sucks and it should sit abandoned for me and me alone to go and explore and enjoy the rooftop view. The rational side of me says this is really a good idea, an idea that hopefully pushes some much needed vitality into the downtown area. I think the city planners and big wigs of the city, for the most part, are doing the right things with this town at this time. The city is in a healthy metabolic state. Some buildings are being torn down (none terribly important IMO and AFAIK), many things are being built from new, and then we have a few renovations such as this. Catabolic and anabolic cities are equally unhealthy, though opposingly so. It is this fine balance of destruction, regeneration and renovation that must be kept to keep a city healthy. At least in my's my journal.
Replace the hxxp with http.
Here's a link to a site showing what they are gonna do with one of my buildings downtown. Of course, my feelings about it are mixed. Pure greed tells me this sucks and it should sit abandoned for me and me alone to go and explore and enjoy the rooftop view. The rational side of me says this is really a good idea, an idea that hopefully pushes some much needed vitality into the downtown area. I think the city planners and big wigs of the city, for the most part, are doing the right things with this town at this time. The city is in a healthy metabolic state. Some buildings are being torn down (none terribly important IMO and AFAIK), many things are being built from new, and then we have a few renovations such as this. Catabolic and anabolic cities are equally unhealthy, though opposingly so. It is this fine balance of destruction, regeneration and renovation that must be kept to keep a city healthy. At least in my's my journal.
I'm eating rainbow sherbet for dinner tonight. After an 11.5 hour shift, it's all I have the energy to eat really.
Last night I went downtown to do some rooftopping. I decided upon a building I've been looking at for the past 6 months or so. Thru my scoutings, there were 2 possible entrances; one being the roof and the other undisclosed. The problem with the roof access is that it faces an *ahem* "busy" parking lot and building, and I would also need to shimmy 12-15 feet just to get to the fire escape.
So last night, I took my new climbing shoes for a test run and used them to shimmy up the pipe. In all honesty I was really only prepared to do some rooftopping and take a few pictures from the roof, but as soon as my nose got over the ledge and aligned with the rooftop, I knew immediateley that I would be exploring this place tonight. I could smell the abandonment and for me to have smelled it, a door or window must have been open.
I tested my patience, taking some pictures from the roof and taking in the view offered. I held off on going to the rooftop door as long as I could. At long last, it's latches lifted effortlessly and silently and tthe door swung open, revealing a pigeon-poop infested elevator engine room with descending stairs. w00t! I headed down the stairs, using my green LED INOVA keychain flashlight (I mention the brand name, 'cause damn, those things are BRIGHT!) The 1st floor I stopped at was layed out as a long hallway with offices on either side, not much to see really, and when I discovered the subsequent floors were layed out the same, (except for they had tiled floors as opposed to the carpet on the 1st floor explored) I quickly made my way down to the 1st floor, since I'd seen what was down there thru the windows previously.
On the 1st floor I found signs of renovation/construction though they seemed to be in a stage of arrested development. I also found a wall mural though I couldn't really make out what it was, nor was there enough light to take a picture. But, the coolest thing about the 1st floor were 4 life size statues of horses. See....the AQHA (American Quearter Horse Association)is located here in Amarillo, and they sell these life size statues of horses to businesses and whatnot as a fundraiser, the business/person can paint whatever they want on the horse. These painted horses are all over town. Anyhow, there are 4 of them standing 2 by 2 on the 1st floor here. They are not painted, just the raw plastic before they get painted and prettified. That's the reason I was so excited to get into this building--to see the horses. Seems pretty lame I know, but it got me excited. Anyhow, I went off to find the stairs to the basement, quickly found them and began to see evidence that the undisclosed entrance may be real, since I was seeing the 1st signs of grafitti here. (bobby wuz here...666 etc. Nothing good.) At the bottom of the stairs to my left was a turn from which a strange light was coming from. I cut my light and turned the corner to find a nice sized room, concrete walls, ceiling and floor, with a lone florescent ceiling fixture propped against the back wall with only one light on. The voltage in the going thru the light was somewhat low too, because it was glowing a greenish color. It really made for a creepy atmosphere. On the right wall, I found a door, that although I could not completely open it, I was able to see thru the crack enough to discern that the undisclosed entrance did indeed exist (although it was currently locked doubt do to the graffiti) Just proving the existance of the undisclosed entrance was a great relief to me.
I explored the basement a bit more, hoping to find a tunnel system connecting it to other buildings in the area but that was not to be found. I went back to the roof to go down the fire escape but when I looked down across the street, the parking lot across the way was literally swarming with activity. Not good. I was getting really impatient because I was still wearing my climbing shoes which are really not all that great for walking around/leisure wear. I waited about 15 minutes before calling Exkalibur so I'd have someone to shoot the shit with up there. We talked about 20 minutes before he had to go, so I tried to call Drie, but her line was busy (Note to Drie: Get a cell phone!) All in all, I was up there about an hour before I could get onto the fire escape and getting down the fire escape took about another 20 minutes due to the activity and not wanting to be seen.
So after almost an hour and a half of waiting I was back on the ground and back into my truck where I could take off my freakin' shoes.
Last night I went downtown to do some rooftopping. I decided upon a building I've been looking at for the past 6 months or so. Thru my scoutings, there were 2 possible entrances; one being the roof and the other undisclosed. The problem with the roof access is that it faces an *ahem* "busy" parking lot and building, and I would also need to shimmy 12-15 feet just to get to the fire escape.
So last night, I took my new climbing shoes for a test run and used them to shimmy up the pipe. In all honesty I was really only prepared to do some rooftopping and take a few pictures from the roof, but as soon as my nose got over the ledge and aligned with the rooftop, I knew immediateley that I would be exploring this place tonight. I could smell the abandonment and for me to have smelled it, a door or window must have been open.

On the 1st floor I found signs of renovation/construction though they seemed to be in a stage of arrested development. I also found a wall mural though I couldn't really make out what it was, nor was there enough light to take a picture. But, the coolest thing about the 1st floor were 4 life size statues of horses. See....the AQHA (American Quearter Horse Association)is located here in Amarillo, and they sell these life size statues of horses to businesses and whatnot as a fundraiser, the business/person can paint whatever they want on the horse. These painted horses are all over town. Anyhow, there are 4 of them standing 2 by 2 on the 1st floor here. They are not painted, just the raw plastic before they get painted and prettified. That's the reason I was so excited to get into this building--to see the horses. Seems pretty lame I know, but it got me excited. Anyhow, I went off to find the stairs to the basement, quickly found them and began to see evidence that the undisclosed entrance may be real, since I was seeing the 1st signs of grafitti here. (bobby wuz here...666 etc. Nothing good.) At the bottom of the stairs to my left was a turn from which a strange light was coming from. I cut my light and turned the corner to find a nice sized room, concrete walls, ceiling and floor, with a lone florescent ceiling fixture propped against the back wall with only one light on. The voltage in the going thru the light was somewhat low too, because it was glowing a greenish color. It really made for a creepy atmosphere. On the right wall, I found a door, that although I could not completely open it, I was able to see thru the crack enough to discern that the undisclosed entrance did indeed exist (although it was currently locked doubt do to the graffiti) Just proving the existance of the undisclosed entrance was a great relief to me.
I explored the basement a bit more, hoping to find a tunnel system connecting it to other buildings in the area but that was not to be found. I went back to the roof to go down the fire escape but when I looked down across the street, the parking lot across the way was literally swarming with activity. Not good. I was getting really impatient because I was still wearing my climbing shoes which are really not all that great for walking around/leisure wear. I waited about 15 minutes before calling Exkalibur so I'd have someone to shoot the shit with up there. We talked about 20 minutes before he had to go, so I tried to call Drie, but her line was busy (Note to Drie: Get a cell phone!) All in all, I was up there about an hour before I could get onto the fire escape and getting down the fire escape took about another 20 minutes due to the activity and not wanting to be seen.
So after almost an hour and a half of waiting I was back on the ground and back into my truck where I could take off my freakin' shoes.
[last edit 7/27/2004 5:20 AM by Noah Vale - edited 1 times]
I went downtown again tonight and played on the roof of one of the really nice churches downtown. It's walls are really nice and I had my climbing shoes on and was gonna climb some walls but, Some outdoor lights got turned on in one of the courtyards and I got a little spooked, so I just decided to take pictures this time and save the climbing for another time. I also plan to go down into that courtyard since it was pretty. I was really hankerin' to get into the steeple/belltower thing, but it seems the decorative openings are closed via meshing to keep the pigeons out. And actually, I don't think it's a belltower, but instead a place for the bigger organ pipes to go, since that's what it looked like from my vantage point, which was pretty dang good.
Yes, I've just looked at the pictures from this place, and I'm definitely going back for more.
Oh yeah, and I lost my dang lens cap. That drives me crazy, it's tbhe one thing I'm absolutely neurotic about. Gotta go buy one tommorow.
Yes, I've just looked at the pictures from this place, and I'm definitely going back for more.
Oh yeah, and I lost my dang lens cap. That drives me crazy, it's tbhe one thing I'm absolutely neurotic about. Gotta go buy one tommorow.
[last edit 7/28/2004 5:11 AM by Noah Vale - edited 1 times]
Lessee...Today is Friday, so, after work on Wednesday I hopped in the truck and headed to Lubbock to do some exploring. I was only planning on staying a couple hours and heading back that same night, but I talked to by brothers roommate and he was cool with me crashing at their place. I got in about 10:30 pm and headed downtown when Ladd (my bro's roommate) called me and asked if I wanted to meet him at a poolhall. I said I'd be there after doing some scouting and not 2 minutes later, I had found a helluva find. An architecturally renaissance style hotel erected in 1926.The streets were dead, so I managed to get to the fire escape (it was quite a climb to be honest) and made it to the roof, noting open windows at several floors on my way up. It is an 11 story building and as such, one of the taller buildings in downtown Lubbock, though it is immediately shadowed by a huge ugly ol' generic looking bank building right next to it. From up on the roof, I could see the lightning storm to the north that I had driven through to get here. I was hoping distinct lightning strikes, but it was just behind the clouds, soft box type lightning, albeit very frequent. I then headed back down the fire escape stopping to crawl through a window to see what the insides had to offer. I knew I had to be coming back tommorow. I left here hoping torromow's traffic would be light enough to allow me to get back on the fire escape, since I was pretty visible from the street.
Met Ladd at poolhall...blah blah blah...went to Whataburger and ate....blah blah...went back to his place watched Family Guy...blah blah...Went to bed.
I awoke.
I was gonna go see the gym facilities at the main campus, since I'm deciding whether I want to do my last 2 years of school in Lubbock or Dallas (and a good workout facility is important to me). I was gonna meet up with a friend of Kilo's but I never called him since I wanted to explore instead. I headed back downtown to the hotel I was at last night to find the city streets very busy and the bank building next door had a constant huddle of smokers milling about putting my self in plain view of future cancer statistics. I pulled out my cell phone and pretended to be deep in conversation while I waited for the smokers to go in and for the streets to die monentarily. I got my chance and was up on the fire escape licketty split. While I was climbing on the fire escape to the 1st open window, I saw a maintainance worker on the lower roof on the bank building next door, and 2 ladies who had since come out to smoke. I was quite sure the ladies were looking at me, so I pulled out my camera and took a couple shots. Instant credibility prop. Problem de-fused. I made it to the window and hopped in. I decided to work down then up, floorwise. With the exception of the colors of paint chosen and carpeting, floors 3-9 (I didn't feel like exploring the top 2 floors, reckoning they would be the same) were identical. Of not was the same room on every floor, X27 (replace X with 3-9) was severely water damaged and usually full of either pigeon crap or cat crap. Though I must say this place was pretty pigeon free for the most part. I never saw any live ones, and only a few remains, a few relative to the size of the place. On the 2nd floor I found a ballroom, the floor warped and buckling with water damage. Around a few corners was the kitchen with a dark set of stairs going down. I was just about to go down them, when I thought better of it, and decided to see what the rest of the floor had to offer. Past the ballroom was another large open room. In this room was a closet-type area with what seemed to be mailboxes, some full of nuts and bolts, others containing Bibles. In the back of this closet-type room I was delighted to find a metal spiral staircase going down to the 1st floor. Determining this would be more fun than the plain ol' staircase in the kitchen, I took the spiral staircase down to the 1st floor into an office-y looking room and then out into another large room with mirrored walls. While I was walking around in the kitchen part of the 1st floor my bro called me on my phone, making sure I had gotten ahold of Ladd the night before. I forgot to mention that parts of the 1st floor of this place were still in business, in the form of a beauty salon, so I had to be pretty quite around here. There was a really nice staircase going up to the 2nd floor in the lobby, and the front desk. Back behind the front desk was another office room, this one with cabinets and drawers full of paperwork. And keys. Hundreds of keys for all the rooms in the hotel, which had become a retirement community before it was abandoned. Ironic that people abandoned their elderly parents, aunts, uncles, etc. in a building that would itself be soon abandoned. From here, I headed back up to the 9th floor, stopping at each floor, looking for differences and items of interest....None too many were found. I headed back to the floor I had entered via the fire escape, in the process getting lost, because I thought I had entered on another floor and I couldn't find the staircase I needed. I had to wait a few minutes while more smokers puffed away and a couple telephone company men worked on a nearby line out of a cherry picker. When the phone dudes left, I popped out the window, down the escape and onto the pavement of the increasingly annoying real world.
As a bonus to my already great trip to Lubbock, I found a place that sells sheesha, so I got some orange flavoured, and it's goodah, I'm smoking it now in fact. We were previously under the impression that there was no place to get sheesha in the Panhandle and thus had to pick it up when we went to Houston.
Met Ladd at poolhall...blah blah blah...went to Whataburger and ate....blah blah...went back to his place watched Family Guy...blah blah...Went to bed.
I awoke.
I was gonna go see the gym facilities at the main campus, since I'm deciding whether I want to do my last 2 years of school in Lubbock or Dallas (and a good workout facility is important to me). I was gonna meet up with a friend of Kilo's but I never called him since I wanted to explore instead. I headed back downtown to the hotel I was at last night to find the city streets very busy and the bank building next door had a constant huddle of smokers milling about putting my self in plain view of future cancer statistics. I pulled out my cell phone and pretended to be deep in conversation while I waited for the smokers to go in and for the streets to die monentarily. I got my chance and was up on the fire escape licketty split. While I was climbing on the fire escape to the 1st open window, I saw a maintainance worker on the lower roof on the bank building next door, and 2 ladies who had since come out to smoke. I was quite sure the ladies were looking at me, so I pulled out my camera and took a couple shots. Instant credibility prop. Problem de-fused. I made it to the window and hopped in. I decided to work down then up, floorwise. With the exception of the colors of paint chosen and carpeting, floors 3-9 (I didn't feel like exploring the top 2 floors, reckoning they would be the same) were identical. Of not was the same room on every floor, X27 (replace X with 3-9) was severely water damaged and usually full of either pigeon crap or cat crap. Though I must say this place was pretty pigeon free for the most part. I never saw any live ones, and only a few remains, a few relative to the size of the place. On the 2nd floor I found a ballroom, the floor warped and buckling with water damage. Around a few corners was the kitchen with a dark set of stairs going down. I was just about to go down them, when I thought better of it, and decided to see what the rest of the floor had to offer. Past the ballroom was another large open room. In this room was a closet-type area with what seemed to be mailboxes, some full of nuts and bolts, others containing Bibles. In the back of this closet-type room I was delighted to find a metal spiral staircase going down to the 1st floor. Determining this would be more fun than the plain ol' staircase in the kitchen, I took the spiral staircase down to the 1st floor into an office-y looking room and then out into another large room with mirrored walls. While I was walking around in the kitchen part of the 1st floor my bro called me on my phone, making sure I had gotten ahold of Ladd the night before. I forgot to mention that parts of the 1st floor of this place were still in business, in the form of a beauty salon, so I had to be pretty quite around here. There was a really nice staircase going up to the 2nd floor in the lobby, and the front desk. Back behind the front desk was another office room, this one with cabinets and drawers full of paperwork. And keys. Hundreds of keys for all the rooms in the hotel, which had become a retirement community before it was abandoned. Ironic that people abandoned their elderly parents, aunts, uncles, etc. in a building that would itself be soon abandoned. From here, I headed back up to the 9th floor, stopping at each floor, looking for differences and items of interest....None too many were found. I headed back to the floor I had entered via the fire escape, in the process getting lost, because I thought I had entered on another floor and I couldn't find the staircase I needed. I had to wait a few minutes while more smokers puffed away and a couple telephone company men worked on a nearby line out of a cherry picker. When the phone dudes left, I popped out the window, down the escape and onto the pavement of the increasingly annoying real world.
As a bonus to my already great trip to Lubbock, I found a place that sells sheesha, so I got some orange flavoured, and it's goodah, I'm smoking it now in fact. We were previously under the impression that there was no place to get sheesha in the Panhandle and thus had to pick it up when we went to Houston.
On my way home from the gym today, I saw they had begun renovating one of my pet buildings. I went home and got my stuff and headed back. Good Lord, the entrance couldnt'a been any easier, not that I care, but... The 1st floor and basement have seen the brunt of the renovations, as I went up to the 2nd and 3rd floors and saw no changes as of yet from the last time I was there. I'll be keeping tabs on the progress, as long as I'm able to get in.
I went back to my pet building today, after the construction workers had left (why where they working on Sunday?) Hoping to get in and explore this building in daylight for the 1st time. They have been really ripping up the 1st floor in a serious way these last few days. Jeez. I climbed up the stairs to the door of the 2nd floor only to find it closed and locked. Wha?! That was odd and annoying so I set off to find the other stairwell. The one that I didn't know where it was, let alone if it even existed. I didn't find it on the 1st floor, so I headed down into the basement to see if I couldn't find it. In the back of a crammed utility closet I saw a hole knocked into the drywall that wasn't noticed before, with light coming from the other side. I clambered over all the crap and slid through the hole in the wall in a part of the basement that I had not seen recently. I HAD seen it a loong time ago, but I had since forgotten about it. Right there lay my stairwell. I creeped up to the 1st floor where I was quite visible to the street since the exterior walls were missing. At the 1st floor was another door to the stairwell, this one locked too. Dang, they must really not want anyone up on the 2nd floor and above. I walked outside to the fire escape and climbed up it, remembering that the other night the door on the 2nd floor that opened onto the fire escape was open. It had since been shut and locked. Bad luck all around.
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