Death Ray
entry by Crossfire on 6/24/2004 6:44 PM
Finished drawing up my plans for my death ray. I plan on building using parts I have purchased from Home Depot. This model hasn't been tested since the early part of the century when Nicola Tesla accidently decimated Tunguska, a remote area in the Siberian wilderness. I plan on using this death ray against the squirrels who are ripping up my lawn.
21025.jpg (28 kb, 435x604)
I will post the results of my first test soon...

I will post the results of my first test soon...
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back in Belleville
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Squirrel problems eh? Get a flamethrower or better yet make on with a supersoaker, Kerosene and a lighter that is wired to the barrel of the supersoaker. Use your imagination and kill 2 birds with one stone. (Pun not intended) Roast a pest AND cook dinner.
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