Saratoga, New York
A Quest to Adventure Park
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I went on a journey to this site last night.

I had only heard of it through this site and a friend, but it sounded like a really interesting one.

Lately, I hadn't had anywhere to go other than old residential homes, which slowly bored me.

I knew that there wasn't going to be anything spectacular left here, either, but I was willing to check it out, anyway.

The most difficult thing about this place is that it is on an open road; and a busy one at that. Not only is it dangerously close to Route 9, but there are hotels and restaurants in every direction.

It was surprisingly easy to enter, the only real difficult part being the decision to hop the fence or run down a hill covered with vines (our choice ending up being the hill).

The halls are for the most part empty, other than 4 or 5 boxes filled with large american flags, and small debris.

One of the greatest discoveries I think, was the accident reports I found inside a file cabinet in one of what must have been an office.

A few other interesting features were some pictures of the worker's friends, different sets of keys, and one office bathroom (which I don't advise exploring).

However, as we crossed down the main hallway of the second floor, we noticed the walls becoming more torn, the ceiling falling apart, and before we knew it, the place had gone from a relatively well kept abandoned office, to a horribly cared for dump.

Ironically, we eventually discovered that this was where the rides and events were held in that particular building.

Nothing here was especially paranormal, just nostalgic I guess.

It was fun.
Noble Donor
At least someone llikes me
Re: A Quest to Adventure Park
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Yes, it is nostalgic. I never really got to go to these parks when I was a kid, so for me they are first time deals. I noticed someone has tagged one of the buildings with "CMOS crew" . Computer geek gang?
Re: A Quest to Adventure Park
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 'Dukes
Yes, it is nostalgic. I never really got to go to these parks when I was a kid, so for me they are first time deals. I noticed someone has tagged one of the buildings with "CMOS crew" . Computer geek gang?

haha, if so that would be very funny. Didn't they buldoze this place within the last year?
Vehicular Lord Rick
northeastern New York
No matter where you go, there you are...
Re: A Quest to Adventure Park
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by 93viperboy

haha, if so that would be very funny. Didn't they buldoze this place within the last year?

I was there a week ago... still standing.
Westchester County, NY
The weight of the world....
Re: A Quest to Adventure Park
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I was down there this summer. Place is gone.....just open field now. Too bad I didn't get a chance to check it out when I was there a few years ago....I would have loved to poke around the old place. I can't remember if I was ever there as a kid....I'd have to ask the 'rents.
[last edit 1/1/2012 12:04 AM by PsiFire - edited 1 times]
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