Wind Gap, PA
this mess we're in
Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Old hospital, big problem

By Art Lawler
Oops, here's a solution that just might not work.

The hospital solution, that is -- the idea that the county could just move its archives from the old buildings behind the old jail to the old Henderson County Memorial Hospital. All you'd have to do then is level the old buildings and begin expansion of the county juvenile facility in that space.

The idea, as you may not have read, is to free up space so the current juvenile facility can be expanded at its current location. This is County Judge David Holstein's plan to save a million bucks to put toward jail expansion, and still come up with the building renovations the county must have to come into the 21st century.

The century is more than four-years old now. The county isn't joining it any time too soon.

At last Monday's meeting, several suggestions were made for moving the records. One idea, Holstein's, is to go ahead and build the archives building on the southeast corner near the old jail. Should take less than a year. Then, just make the transfer.

Another idea, this one from Pct. 1 Commissioner Joe Hall, is to move the records to the Pct. 5 building in Malakoff. All you have to move is some occasionally illegal 8-liner machines that have been confiscated. Maybe take them to an area where they're legal. Just thinking out loud here...

Pct. 4 Commissioner Jerry West suggested moving the records to the old hospital.

Well, West has gained the support of Pct. 4 voters for years with his Scrooge-like stance on county dollars. You might pry a few bills out of his tight-fisted hands, but you better be prepared to make your case that each of those dollars is going for a sacred county cause.

The other three commissioners and the judge have similar philosophies on stinginess with your tax dollars. They'd rather be runover by a lawnmower than call for a tax increase. But they'll spend money if they think it'll save money in the long run. Not saying West won't, but make sure you do your homework. He's crabby about this stuff.

Nevertheless, I don't see how West is going to convince the others to store those records at the old hospital.

I base my prediction on a tour of the facility Hall and I took Tuesday -- with flashlights. First thing we did was stop by Judge Holstein's office to pick up the keys -- keys which didn't seem to fit in any door. Not that it mattered.

We just stepped through an open window a few feet away from the front door and began our tour. This wasn't the only entrance. Windows all around the ghostpital are open. So are some doors.

We're not the only people to have toured the facility in recent times, either. Some people may be living there, or at least using it as a weekend retreat, or as a place to party in an inner-sanctum left to the ghosts more than 20 years ago.

Graffiti is spread throughout. Old beer bottles, water bottles, some of them not that old, can be found at numerous locations.There would seem to be no electricity in the building. But that's just because you haven't turned on the right light switch.

Hit the right one, several light bulbs shine forth. Somebody has been doing their own electrical work, and they found some "hot" spots in some of the light fixtures. How could that be? You can even find some fluorescent lights that work.

Then there's the plumbing. Some of these fixtures look as if they haven't seen water in 20 years. Others, well, flush the toilet, and it flushes just like the potty in your home.

Turn on some faucets, nothing comes out. Turn on others, a small stream of water comes out. Turn on still other faucets and the water literally gushes out.

Lets see, water, home made electricity, mold, falling ceilings, asbestos, liability...

Want to move some county records over there?

Leaks can be found above the hanging ceilings, and it's those leaks that have resulted in evidence of mold throughout the building. We're talking nasty stuff, here.

Is it active mold, or just dormant mold? Remember our lessons in mold-ery? How active it is, probably depends on how long it's been since the last rain.

Some areas of the hospital are suprisingly clean. We found a bathtub that looked like someone had cleaned it in the last 24 hours. A ghost, maybe?

But how do you store records in a building that can't realistically be sealed off -- not without great expense, anyway? And is this county really ready to take on another major mold project? Do the commissioners want to try justifying a new air-conditioning system?

Our lungs started to ache in about 10 minutes. Granted, it could have been psychosomatic. Wear a Hazmat suit, just in case.

I applaud West for his suggestion. He's always trying, God bless him. But I'm afraid, as Ann Richards likes to say, "That ol' dog won't hunt."

Hall's idea isn't much better, I'm afraid. His suggestion for moving the records to Malakoff is inconvenient for Sheriff's Department officials who go to those records on average, three times a week.

Just wondering, but if the records have held up in the old buildings this long, why not just start on the new building and move the records to it when it's finished? There's more than enough in the budget to get this rather simple building project done. Why not just do it?

Granted, the old buildings could go up in flames tomorrow, destroying all those olds records the state wants preserved.

Wouldn't that be a crying shame now.


"This gene pool could use a little chlorine."
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
looks like a pretty cool place, would love to see the inside!
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I kinda wish you guys wouldn't have posted all this info. In fact, the reason I got half-way booted from this site is for trying to protect this location which I foolishly made a few years ago. There is a severe vandalism problem here. I've been in 25+ times, place really holds a special meaning to me.
Wind Gap, PA
this mess we're in
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by CMH
I kinda wish you guys wouldn't have posted all this info. In fact, the reason I got half-way booted from this site is for trying to protect this location which I foolishly made a few years ago. There is a severe vandalism problem here. I've been in 25+ times, place really holds a special meaning to me.

This hospital is a place of local knowledge. Walk up to any random Joe Bob on the street in Athens and ask them to name an abandoned building - They'll tell you about the hospital. Everyone in Henderson County already knows about the place - I've got family members who both were born and died there - How many other people do too? It's got special meaning to a lot of people, not just yourself.

Places in small towns like this get vandalized because people tell stories of things that have happened there. Is Fullers Park on UER? It's been vandalized beyond vandalization. Just like I stopped at Cardox ten years ago with a couple of my friends on a Friday night, lots of other kids have too - I didn't see it on UER, and neither did they.

Asking us nicely to have the location removed would've done wonders - Taking the high-and-mighty "OMIFUK I WANT THIS ALL DOWN NOW IT HAS SPECIAL MEANING!!1" route doesn't convince myself, or anyone else of anything. Deleting other people's "special meanings" isn't quite the best way to get them on your side.
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
"Taking the high-and-mighty "OMIFUK I WANT THIS ALL DOWN NOW IT HAS SPECIAL MEANING!!1" route doesn't convince myself, or anyone else of anything. Deleting other people's "special meanings" isn't quite the best way to get them on your side."

The way you reacted to my post tells a lot about you; I especially like the part where I'm supposed to "convince you", or "get you on my side". I didn't delete anything your ass put up, so quit crying. I deleted my own content which I have a right to do. I and several others don't want places on UER because it is a magnet for all kinds of people bad and good, and I'd rather not draw extra attention, especially from local officials who keep a pretty close eye on the place.

Some people have had to lock down their own websites a little more because they know they are being watched. I pulled mine from search engines several months back.

"It's got special meaning to a lot of people, not just yourself."

Yeah that's why I tried to pull it. In fact, I had pulled all of my pics months before I tried to delete all my data, and then you came along and put up your stuff.
Wind Gap, PA
this mess we're in
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by CMH
"Taking the high-and-mighty "OMIFUK I WANT THIS ALL DOWN NOW IT HAS SPECIAL MEANING!!1" route doesn't convince myself, or anyone else of anything. Deleting other people's "special meanings" isn't quite the best way to get them on your side."

The way you reacted to my post tells a lot about you; I especially like the part where I'm supposed to "convince you", or "get you on my side". I didn't delete anything your ass put up, so quit crying.

Who's crying? I thought this debacle was already over.. Your content is gone, my content is where I want it to be. I have nothing to cry about.

By "get me on your side" I'm referring to the fact that if you had PMed me and said, "Hey, I don't want Athens Hospital on the DB" I might have agreed, and taken it down and joined forces on your quest to keep Athens Hospital a secret.
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
"By "get me on your side" I'm referring to the fact that if you had PMed me and said, "Hey, I don't want Athens Hospital on the DB" I might have agreed, and taken it down and joined forces on your quest to keep Athens Hospital a secret."

", but since you didn't consult me first I'm not going to be at all receptive to spite you." (that's just how that came off to me).

But whatever, I didn't come into this thread picking a fight... my original statement should just be taken for what it is: "I wish you guys didn't post up so much about the hospital". That's it.
Wind Gap, PA
this mess we're in
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by CMH
But whatever, I didn't come into this thread picking a fight... my original statement should just be taken for what it is: "I wish you guys didn't post up so much about the hospital". That's it.

I posted pictures of the pretty trees on the hospital grounds. I stuck my camera through a window once. I didn't post anything you wouldn't be able to learn by simply driving around Athens. All I've done is confirm it exists, which, once again, any Joe Bob in Henderson County already knew.
Dallas, Tx
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
here is an idea why dont you make it only visible to full members
that way people who are really into urban exploration and nto for vandalizing can see these pics

room 101
bury the dead
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
ummm....yeah. if it's a big deal, level 3 it.

believe me, that place is no secret. i found it after driving around athens for a few hours looking for abandoned stuff, and i didn't ask anyone where it was or find it on the DB. everyone has places that they find special or even think of as "theirs", but it's not going to be UER or even websites in general that will bring the place down- it'll be the idiot yokel kid who burns the place down. just like the bums looting the merc to death haven't heard of UER, neither have the local morons. ugh.
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have an idea that people that come to UER to participate are probably not the ones that do the vandalism.

New Orleans
Re: Old hospital, big problem
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I don't see a problem posting it. It is a very well known "abandonment" in the middle of town. Just like Cardox is right off of a major highway. The bad element is gonna find these places regardless.
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