Vital Films's Profile
Registered On
2/3/2010 9:13 PM
Last Seen
1/12/2024 3:25 PM
Access Level
Full Member
Custom Title
Scarboro - Dean Park
Name History
Caveman king explorer
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)
The Camp Bison Camp-out, Burwash Ontario.
a weekend of hiking, backpacking, and exploring along with some extreme camping deep in the woods- at the abandoned prison in Burwash Ontario. 18 explores came from Toronto, Southern Ontario, Sudbury and Montreal to attend this epic camp out. Some of the weekend's events included: meeting new people and seeing old friends, a scavenger hunt and lonely explorer challenge(w/ prizes), raging bonfire and marshmallows, night time UEing, a giant slumber party, and beautiful sunset/sunrise. Even tho the weather was a little on the cool side, we all had a great time.
The "Muskoka San & Campout Weekend" was a weekend of camping at "Arrowhead Provincial Park" in beautiful Huntsville Ontario and UE at the Muskoka Sanitarium. This second epic event hosted by Match Girl and Logtec was another major success! Some of the weekends activities included: good friends, lots of laughs, a large amount of beer liquor and wine consumed, a on site "BB gun" shooting range, swimming & soaking in a waterfall, raging campfire, a vintage talking "Pee Wee Herman doll", bear chased by yeti, a lot of noise, a little sunburn and some canoeing. We had beautiful weather, with very few bugs. Once again everyone had a great weekend.
The 3rd UE/camping weekend of 2011, hosted by Match Girl and Logtec. The weekend included hiking/backpacking to the abandoned prison in Burwash Ontario. 10 explores came from Toronto, Southern Ontario and Sudbury to attend this end of season bash. Some of the weekend's events included: meeting new people and seeing old friends, bonfire, drinking, night time UE and a firework display from the roof.
Thanks to everyone who came out to our weekend campouts during the 2011 UE season!
The third installment of the Camp Bison Campout, hosted by Match Girl and Logtec. 21 explorers (and 3 dogs) backpacked into the abandoned Bison Prison in Burwash Ontario to spend a fun filled weekend of UE, camping and shenanigans. Guests came from Toronto, Southern Ontario and Sudbury. The weekend's events included: meeting new people and catching up with old friends, an indoor bonfire (thanks fire ban), drinking, wandering aimlessly, sparklers, exploring, and photography. Highlight of the weekend was a surprise late night candle lit tunnel and basement tour organized by Vital Films. Thanks to everyone who came out to help kick off the summer of 2012!
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 2/14/2010 7:05 PM by Avatar-X