thelean's Profile
Registered On
12/22/2003 12:25 AM
Last Seen
8/20/2021 6:48 PM
Access Level
Full Member
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Name History
"yeah it looks like two models buts its actually a vegetarian and a girl"
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)
Gathering at our own exclusive campsite just outside of Philadelphia, PA, for a 3-day gathering, groups and individuals from the local area, new england, and even minnesota, australia and wisconsin came together to celebrate exploring, practice their pasttime on great area spots and share stories by the fire.
A yearly winter weekend long gathering at a gigantic house outside of Boston. Attended by explorers from all over New England as well as NJ, MD, PA, SC, and IL. Explorers went on daylight outings to explore local sites then later partied the night away at the Mansion!
Over 20 explorers from Georgia to New Hampshire met up and camped out for an awesome weekend of hardcore partying, exploring, chests, and general debauchery in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Church bells, fireworks, and pickles helped ensure a great time was had by all!
This year's party was by far the biggest ever! We had attendees from Georgia, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Quebec, Maryland, PA, NY, NJ and all over New England! Everyone partied the nights away on Friday and Saturday at the mansion and spend the gorgeous snow free weekend out exploring with new and old friends. We even had a sneak peak pre-screening of the upcoming UE documentary "The State Boys".
This was the sequel to the DC Meet Up that was held earlier in the year where so much fun occurred that it just had to be done again. There were many return attendees and a few new ones with a total of about 30 people at one point. Attendees arrived from
- Canada ( Winnipeg, MB )
- New Jersey
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Massachusetts
- Virginia
- Maryland
- Georgia
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
It should be noted that Corley and Cossette were the most awesome host and F/Rox is a great meet up location.

There was incredible diner made on Friday night by Discount Ninja and Yield and the fridge was never empty of cold adult beverages. Saturday was spent exploring various locations in the area after the group split up to go to different places. Saturday night involved a group of about 15 of us having dinner at Golden Corral and then off to watch UFC fights and hockey playoffs at a sports bar. Then it was back to F/Rox Party Central where the evening continued to be "nothing but a good time". A few people left on Sunday but the activities continued on over the Memorial Day holiday.
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 4/23/2005 6:00 AM by Servo