Brent's Profile
Registered On
1/15/2007 5:46 PM
Last Seen
3/13/2017 12:30 AM
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Full Member
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Silent Partner
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)
Infilnapolis occurred over three days from June 25th to the 27th. Attendees from Ohio, Indiana, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Tennessee, Wisconsin, New York, and even one Russian explored rooftops, the coke plant, a modern hospital, an abandoned skyscraper, and a big drain. They crashed hotel pools, climbed a crane, ate pizza, climbed a tree, dodged lightning, and floated across a lake on garbage.
Originally intended to be the Bennington Lockout Redux, the Pyrotechnics meet turned out to be a huge, fireworks-laden extravaganza over three days and in dozens of locations. We gathered a large group in a cave behind Lower Falls and set off an obscene amount of fireworks and then wrapped with a fun cookout.
The first annual Wisconsin meet with 10 members attending was 24 hours of abandonments, rooftops, hotel squatting and steam tunnel failure. We befriended cops, herded lonely chairs and ruined a possums day.
Infilnapolis 2 happened on July 29-31 in Indianapolis with about 30 attendees. UER members and their friends came from Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Canada, England, and France. Participants UE'd abandoned places like stadiums, factories, mental asylums, modern hospitals, and office towers. Roofs of hotels were explored, a hotel pool was crashed, people squatted in abandonments, surfed elevators, and got three noise complaints at a hotel.
Now in in it's fifth year, Infilnapolis still proved to be a great time. Urbex enthusiasts from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Illinois came to town. Said enthusiasts played king of the hill on top of a mountain of soybeans, infiltrated a guard house while the guard was out doing rounds, explored a giant underground system of tunnels and mines, cracked many a rooftop, squatted a hotel, drank lots of beer, and got rained out of the drains all three days.
Great times were had all around during this fun weekend at Casa-Budda's in Cincinnati, OH. Be careful where you chain up your bike.
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 1/27/2009 4:00 AM by Emma Peel