Urban Downfall's Profile
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6/4/2010 12:09 AM
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2/10/2025 11:49 PM
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Montréal - Qc
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This is the 1st edition of UrbexMalt, held in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

This is where the UrbexMalt tradition began:

Following a series of small but successful meets at the Canada Malting Plant over the past 2 years, a dozen explorers gathered on a faithful night that later became known as "UrbexMalt, 1st edition".

Things started out small, with a handful of makeshift wooden benches and a small bonfire in the inner courtyard of the complex.
This is when the organizers ClementRSedona and Deconstrukt vowed to organize a better, bigger event on an annual basis: This is how UrbexMalt was born!

• Here is the UrbexMalt 2012 photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskA5RUsh
This is the 2nd edition of UrbexMalt, held in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

On this second edition of UrbexMalt, much more effort was put into the realization of the meet:
Cleaning the rubble in the courtyard to make it easier and safer to walk, building a better campfire, and more benches.

That year, the "suit-up" dress code was implemented as to contrast with the all-around dereliction of the Canada Malting Plant and usual exploring clothing.

Around 30 explorers from all around the Québec province attended the event.

There was fire-spitting, fireworks, a barbecue, and of course the famous group shot that became mandatory for each subsequent edition.

• Here is the UrbexMalt 2013 photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskztGcXW
This is the 3rd edition of the biggest urban exploration meet to occur yet in Montreal, Québec, Canada.

Over 80 people attended the revival of the Canada Malting Plant, which came back to life for those few hours.

For the first time in 30 years, electricity was running again in the plant's original conduits and wiring, feeding the old lights and giving back the rooms a taste of their original condition.

A fireplace, music DJ, photo exhibition with more than 120 photos, benches, tables, comfy couches, hundreds of candles, barbecue, red and golden carpets were some of the features on display. The guests, suited-up with classy & chic clothes, topped things off to create a completely unusual and surreal atmosphere.

• Here is the UrbexMalt 2014 photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsk7cEnHZ
• And a video of the preparation and evening: https://youtu.be/mxtWS3XICF8
This is the 4th edition of the annual urban exploration meeting in Montreal, Québec, Canada.
A record 110 guests showed up for the evening.

2015 was the Canada Malting's 110th birthday, and we were back altogether to honour this milestone.

All of the urban exploration enthusiasts in Québec were invited and some came from Ontario and even from France, dressed in their best clothes.We took a group picture with 96 of the guests, far exceeding the 63 of the previous year.

This year, over 150 pictures were exhibited including fifty by the artist & photographer Daniel Guilbert.
He presented his clichés of the Canada Malting taken after its closure in the 1980s and later in the 1990s.

The old glass globes were illuminated again by electricity fed into the old fixtures in order to revive the plant as it was 30 years ago. The DJ, the fireplace and all the installations where again at the rendez-vous.

The UrbexMalt 2015 photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsknB7sR3
A video of the evening: https://youtu.be/8neq40EpLqI
••Here is the 5th edition of UrbexMalt, the annual urbex meet in Quebec.

131 explorers attended the event, exceeding last year’s 100 guests.

UrbexMalt 2016 was probably the biggest meeting of urban explorers to ever be held in America.
This year’s group picture shows 113 explorers, wearing their best attire.

Invitations were sent out amongst the exploring scene in Ontario, and 15 talented explorers made the trip to Montreal for a nice meeting at our exploring Mecca.

Once again, the organizers outdid themselves to give their guests a truly original and unforgettable experience.

Another floor was added to the existing setup, adding 3 new exhibition rooms displaying pictures and artefacts, such as documents and various things found inside the Malt Plant.

Overall a total of 360 pictures were on display, including pictures taken by Daniel Guilbert at the Malt Plant over the years, and the Broom Man (Le Balayeur) series by one of the hosts, Guillaume Clément.

The entrance and every passage and staircaise leading to the reception floor were cleand and brightly lit with the building’s original light fixtures.

A dozen rooms were given a full and deep cleaning, including the repairing and reinstalling of the original light fixtures.

5 couches and numerous chairs and benches were laid to provide an absolute level of confort.
The remainder of the previous years’ installations was still present : the fireplace underwent a full lifting and new glass doors to prevent the smoke from entering back inside.

We are proud to pay a tribute to this historic place every year, since it is an emblematic part of our passion.
This event gives us the opportunity to gather once a year in order to keep our ties strong, as well as creating new ones with the new explorers in the scene.

• Here is the UrbexMalt 2016 photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHskKBaepJ
• And a video of the evening: https://youtu.be/pnEOhBqdcuI

Here's the 6th edition of UrbexMalt, one of the biggest urban explorers meeting in North America, held once again in Montreal

For the first time this year, the event went international, with guests coming from Australia, USA, UK and of course Canada. This year's event was once again bigger than the previous one, with a total of 180 people who have attended.

Many improvements were done this year, including a huge mural by artist Jean-François Charest, the addition of a cinema room, lighting and ambient effects in the main room, a "fire breathing" performance, stickers made for the occasion, and new artefacts including the building's original blueprints from 1905 and 1930.

The group picture, taken at the same spot every year, was a real challenge to achieve: two levels of 40 feet-long benches were installed to fit the 150 people present on the picture.
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This user was marked as Full Member on 8/25/2010 4:53 PM by nostra-YOUPPI!
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