robk700's Profile
Registered On
2/16/2009 8:32 AM
Last Seen
12/11/2024 10:53 PM
Access Level
Full Member
Custom Title
Los Angeles / D.C.
Name History
UE Conventions this member has attended (view all conventions)
Explorers from the Central Valley, the Los Angeles Basin, and locally from around the San Francisco Bay, came together to camp in Saratoga and enjoy awesome food and fellowship. This event offered 4 locations, including one new location, and gave an example of what the SF South Bay can offer. It was also a small taste of what to expect for the upcoming NOCOPEX '09.
This was a 3-day event where members from across California, the US, and Europe came together to explore the best of the best from three different areas of the San Francisco Bay: the South Bay, the East Bay, and military sites from around the San Francisco/San Marin areas. Over 15 people showed up to this event, and explored 3-5 sites each day or roughly 16 locations for the entire weekend!!
16 people came from across the land to explore the Mojave National Preserve. Though we encountered may unexpected problems, we marched on and made it a trip to remember. Saturday we visited Kelso, Vulcan Mine and Bonanza King Mine. Sunday we conquered Death Valley Mine, Cima, Evening Star Mine, a new, as of yet, unknown mine and finally the incredible Goldome. A massive 30 ft. tall bon fire wrapped up the adventure.
We congregated in Tecopa CA to explore the old gold and silver mines from the pre WWII days. We explored the War Eagle, Noonday, and Columbia #2 gold and silver mines, and the Western Talc mine. We went deep enough into the mines to find Underground Explorer cards left by the Underground Explorer group. We also found a vehicle that had been pushed into the shaft of the Western Talc Mine.
We went out to dinner and then went to alma college. We were all over that place for about an hour or so then we went to the jackling house. Then the next day the people that still had energy went to the slaughterhouse and the gang house and niles canyon railway. All in all it was good fun and we had people there from over 400+ miles away.
A fun-filled weekend of costumed exploring fun!

11 explorers from all over California met up in Boron to explore the prison camp until long after dark and continued on to explore a few locations in the LA area the next day. It was Halloween weekend as well so some of us explored in costume adding to the fun of scaring scrappers away (only to have them come back and scare us off after dark.) This was a great opportunity for Nor Cal and So Cal explorers to get to know each other. Some of us came from about 400 miles away for this meet up and had a blast.
Member Status
This user was marked as Full Member on 4/4/2009 7:40 PM by RailGuy88