The Urban Adventure Site


Outer Bay Bunkers

Outer Bay Bunkers 4 and 5

Outer Bay Bunkers 6, 7 and 8

UA City World MapThis bunker complex contains 14 separate bunkers, of which 7 are open to the public. Some date back from the 1870s while others date back to world war 2. Those open to the public have all been restored as much as practical, though some remain much the same as when abandoned at the end of world war two. One of the bunkers here has been fully restored, complete with cannons, telescope, direction finding equipment and telephone.

Yep, don't go in here folks or you'll blow up. Gate to the sealed off military reserve. I didn't go in there, just the publicly accessible bunkers

Yikes! Better stick to the tracks I think.

Bunker 1

The entrance to the first bunker was way up a hill side. It looked unimpressive at first.

Then I looked up this passage through the hillside

Little rooms in the bunker, with some blast baffling

Old ammunition storage areas

The passage had several rooms in it. Note the still intact wires

A massive cannon shield from a former rotary gun looks out over the sea.

This once rotated as part of a coastal gun

Looks a bit like a giant guppy fish

It has a good view over the coast


Looks like a bit of modern art

Bunker 2

Looking up the hill to bunker 2

Bunker 2 stands high on a hill looking out to sea. This would have been an observation bunker. It's purpose was to spot approaching ships.

View from the window of bunker 2

Almost hidden water tanks for bunker 1 and 2

Just visible on the point is the small spot light installation. It was isolated away from the main cannon in the hope that if an attack occurred, it would be destroyed instead of the bunkers.

The camouflage works quite well for the bunkers, apart from the bunker at the top of the hill, the rest is scrub and rocks

Bunker 3

Another small spotlight tower

Bunker on the hill

looks dark in there

Same bunker from top of the hill.

View towards bunker 5

On to bunkers 4 and 5

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