The Urban Adventure Site

The Pipeworks

UA City World MapThere were a few administration buildings with some very nice equipment just left there.





Entrance to an amenities building

Another locker room - very similar to the one in the UA City power station

A mattress indicates this used to be some one's make shift home

The shower room - although the water was cut off some of the floor mats were still damp

A new looking wall with cloths pegs


Be tidy okay

Sinks, not one broken

Ahhh - old cakes me thinks

You mean they train you to wear those things?

The WIG training room

Meeting room

OH&S Board - I removed some notices to scan into the site.


Coffee urn and hard hat

A nice cup left behind

The second office building

A dust covered table

Sink area

Some one has a keen sense of humor. I don't like vandalism but this was funny

Office area - disks

Some sort of sign collection

More of the office area

The Gents - with shower

Now imagine my surprise when I saw this - a wheel barrow and laser printer. Looks too good to be true

Despite the room seeming to be trashed, this printer remained - why?

This explains why. This device is a motion sensing alarm with radio aerial - and I had just set it off!

Um, time for a few quick photos now

The printer was still there in August so I took it home to fiddle with. It is a Ricoh Laser 6000 PS.
It does not work because seems to be out of toner or possibly needs a new drum. Maybe one day I'll get around to fixing it.
Oh, and before you stress out, I did not steal this printer. I contacted the company that owned the site and offered to buy it for $20. They rang me back and said I could just take it as the place was going to be demolished anyway. The printer is 8 years old after all.

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