The Urban Adventure Site

Paris Catacombs

The southern passage runs east to west along the southern edge of the Catacombs. There are tunnels that extend much further south, but for most part this passage forms the southern border of the Catacombs of the 14th eme.


Stonga examines cable support poles. The cables in this section of the catacombs were being removed. When I next entered, this whole passage was free of cables and much easier to walk along


Looking back along the tunnel cables snaked along the floor. A few days later these were gone.

The passage was often covered in water. Mostly ankle deep the water became thigh deep in some places. The dark water to the left was a water well which was supposed to allow drainage of water to the water table below the catacombs but in this case it was ineffective.

The passage continues westwards. Note the hooks cables used to hang on.

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