Story 1
Thu, Oct 6th, 2011
posted by NotLost

Not much of a story, other than the fact is was a near-death experience…

With grandiose ideas of shots from inside the ship, and maybe even on it, these goals were quickly dashed.

Bad weather, changing tide, a strong current, & old age all attributed to a very exciting kayak trip out to the ship. After almost swamping the boat a few times fighting the current and waves, I finally got out there to take a few shots. The next adrenalin rush cam as rebar began to fill the viewfinder. Besides coming at face level metal and concrete, I also found I was in the middle of the same pointing up! Frantically paddling backward, I’d squeeze off a few shots, paddle, & squeeze off some more. After getting back I had about 4 usable shots.

Doing this by myself was a bad idea – OK, maybe the whole thing was a bad idea.