Wild pig advisory from Basic Member Weaseldog
Fri, Jan 22nd, 2010
posted by Explorer Zero

This should come as no surprise at least to the more outdoor savvy members of UER but yes there is hawgs in the Trinity bottoms. Weasledog asked that I share this info for the benefit of any readers who venture into this location but might have concerns about potential encounters with feral hogs. We wish his canine companion Thor all the best.

email from Weaseldog

I'm a new member here. I don't have rights to post on the page for this location yet.

But i wanted to share a bit of info you might pass on.

I was at the park on the Jan 18th, 2010 walking with my dogs, Thor (Catahoula) and Ginger (Shar Pei / Lab).

About a third of the way in I saw hog signs near a seasonal pond. A moment later, a man came driving up in a jeep with three teenage boys. He asked if I had seen any hogs. I pointed out the sign and he said he'd seen it. I asked him he was hunting, and he said he wasn't, he was just looking for hogs. (Was he?) He asked if I was just walking my dogs and I told I was and he said, to go ahead and enjoy the park.

Once we got to the back side of the park, near a section where there are tall fences on each side of the road and the remains a collapsed wooden shack in the brush, my dogs went wild. Ginger ran into the brush and started barking. Thor ran in afterwards and began yelping loudly. Then silence. Then as i was running to them, I heard the sound of fighting in the brush, followed by loud hog squeals.

I got a spot where deep water blocked my way, and could hear my dogs and hog fighting in the water and brush deeper in. Soon Thor was dragging a thrashing hog out of the brush by it's head.

Ginger was still deeper in, excited about something else. Perhaps more hogs.

Thor got the hog back to me and cornered it in the fence. Ginger finally came back. I finally got my dogs to acknowledge me and leave the hog. The episode lasted about fifteen minutes in all, but seemed like forever.

My dogs kept running back into the woods every twenty yards or so. I had to leash them and drag them back to van.

My dogs had never seen a hog before and Thor got a nasty bite on his leg, that went to the bone. I've been changing the bandage everyday and I think he'll be fine. The wound is on the outside of the leg above the foot, and it probably won't cause him any serious or permanent problems. He was certainly running fine w! hen the adrenaline was going.

So it might not hurt for you to update the page and let folks know that there could be some danger from wild hogs if you're exploring in that area.