Spending the Night
Tue, Sep 23rd, 2008
posted by Monkey-Rat

My first ever visit to this place was a couple years ago. For some stupid reason, we thought it would be a fun idea to spend the night in the abandoned "Maryville Children's Academy". First, we explored the building, then we set out to the "quiet room" - the room that was set up for testing the hearing abilities of the children that were once kept here. There were creepy stains on the door that looked like blood. Though no equipment was left in the room, it was completely silent once the two doors were shut. We laid out our sleeping bags and went to sleep. It was pitch black. the only sound was from our beating hearts and our breathing. The next morning, we gathered our stuff and then opened the doors. We were hit with a really loud white noise - the sound of the world outside. We went straight to the exit and got out, now able to tell people that we spent the night in that creepy building.

Upon revisiting, we found that the windows looking into the quiet room had been smashed, making it a quiet room no longer. Damn vandals...