Office party and death of the Tower Automotive
Mon, Apr 12th, 2010
posted by alexander gromov

I went to the Tower Automotive this weekend.
Asbestos mask, aviator goggles, one tripod and steel toed boots.

What a glorious monster of a building. Floors upon floors of empty, gutted concrete structure.
Offices with cubicle walls and computers still intact.
Flooded basement. Journals of security guards from 1996. Forgotten books.
Clocks that died with the building.
Hobo's crack hideout in one of the rooms, filled with empty drug bottles.
Someone left a bra in the office. Signatures of urban explorers on the chalk boards- I left my own too.
Dead elevator shaft.
Graffiti artists getting creative on the walls, not sure if this adds to detracts from the atmosphere.
Incredible views of the city from the top floor- this is the tallest structure in the area.
Broken glass, peeling paint, voices of the wind, doors banging.
Remnants of office parties.