Tue, Jun 29th, 2004
posted by overlord05

I was in a my creative writing class about 3 monthes ago now and we had a sub so it was basically a BS day. Ya know everyone just sat around and talked. Well We had a really cool subsitute teacher that subs at our school often. Everyone knows him. His name is Mr. Bollo. Is an awesome guy. But anyway me and my friends were talking about going out to the Rosemount Ordinance works after school. Mr. Bollo over heard us talking and told us that he went to rosemount high school and went out to the site when he was a teenager. I mentioned to him that alot of people believe the place is haunted and that people believe people have died out there (which they have). He then got a grim look on his face. He told us he had a friend that had been depressed for a while that year of High School and one night went out to the the site and layed his head on the tracks. He says that after his friend died whenever him and his frends were out there they felt as if someone watching them.

I know it isn't the greatest story but I thought it was creepy.