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Location DB > United States > Maryland > Baltimore

Available Locations
    Galleries Photos Threads Stories
United States     
             Hebrew Orphan Asylum 2 19 1  
                  morning in the ghetto   10      
             Lutheran Hospital 2 15    
                  morning in the ghetto   10      
             Seton Institute 3 31    
                  Spur of the Moment   15      
             Westport Generating Station 13 170    
                  Dan's Scout   5      
                  Tight Squeeze   9      
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What is a Location?
The name Location simply refers to any type of place to explore. A building, tunnel, cave, field... whatever comes to mind.

What is the UE Location Database?
The UE Location Database is located at the Urban Exploration Resource ( It allows anyone to create a new Location, upload pictures and stories, and much more.

Since when is this around?
The UE Location Database was officially opened on July 30th, 2003.

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These icons can help you keep track of any changes to the Locations since you last looked at them. They appear in combinations to mean more than one thing.

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