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Infiltration Forums > Journal Index > The fall of the house of Usher. > On Ave Maria and Soundtrack Dissonance(Viewed 1853 times)
On Ave Maria and Soundtrack Dissonance
entry by CaptOrbit 
11/28/2009 6:55 AM

I went to around a dozen store's "Door buster" sales this morning, not to buy but to just take it in. The young guys in sleeping bags in front of Staples, a crowd of weather-worn men huddled around a folding table drinking coffee and playing cards in front of the Home Depot

It wasn't until I hit a mall that I got an extreme Truth In Television ( http://tvtropes.or.../TruthInTelevision ) moment though.

From the second floor of a store I stood and looked down on the main sales floor and watched as people furiously charged up and down the for some reason unmoving escalators, and climbed over each other to be the first to lay claim the loss leader items stacked in pyramids around the store.

As the chaos below and all around me continued to unfold for the first time I became aware that the store's public address was blasting Schubert's Ave Maria (This version I believe) .

For seem reason it was then that it stopped being fun.

I went to Sears and bought a battery for my drill whose purchase I had been putting off due to it's cost, but was deeply discounted today and went home.

It hit me so hard when I got back to my computer I looked up "Soundtrack Dissonance" on TV and this was part of it's definition.


"The movie is supposed to end with a bloody firefight, and your stupid conscience is acting up again. You went to the NYU film school, dammit, you can't just have 13 minutes of blood and bullets. But wait. What if you overlay the horrific carnage with beautiful music? ... What says, "Mankind is both glorious and murderous" better than a faceless mook getting shot in the head at close range while Schubert's "Ave Maria" plays in the background? "

I believe I'll now go listen to the Bach/Gounod version.

[last edit 10/19/2017 8:20 PM by CaptOrbit - edited 7 times]
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