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Infiltration Forums > Private Boards Index > Pissed Off > things that piss me off at my kids school(Viewed 999 times)
big dave location:
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things that piss me off at my kids school
< on 11/17/2009 1:10 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I have a great little 6 year old who i pick up from elementary school every day. Theres always something to irritate me at the school.

People parking in the bus loading zone.

People parking in the spots reserved for school officials (principal, secretary, etc). CAN YOU NOT FUCKING READ? Oh wait, it doesnt matter...because you are a lawless ghetto FUCK!

People pulling up to the school and honking for their child (elementary) to get in the car.

People stopping in the middle of the street so their SLOW child can load/unload from the car.

The lack of traffic police around the school to punish idiots for rolling though stop signs, drivers aggressively zipping around cars stopped in the middle of the street while children may be crossing in front of stopped car.

Where the hell are all the cops to give out tickets to all the assholes who get a block from the school and then floor the gas and go 50 in a 25mph? I love how i can buy a car one night, then leave my neighborhood the next morning at 6am to go get it registered, and get a ticket for tint darker than legally accepted...AROUND THE CORNER FROM MY HOUSE!

About 15-20 years ago, these things didn't happen in this neighborhood. I am about 10 miles from COMPTON, and 10 miles from EAST LA, not to mention all the shitty little areas in between. These kind of people just keep getting closer to where we live, and pretty soon WE ARE OUT OF HERE!

Why dont fucking people wait their turn, follow traffic laws, and stop being lazy fucks when it comes to their children? Ahhhhhhhhh, thanks for reading.

An armed society, is a polite society. So lets get to it!
fedge location:
Gaud Corners, Ontario, Canada
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Re: things that piss me off at my kids school
<Reply # 1 on 11/17/2009 4:20 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
There are laws and rules but they do not apply to the unique individual.

The unique individual picking up his kid from school is already very busy and has other errands to run. Therefore, they get to do whatever they want, even if it breaks a rule or law.

If, while driving, a unique individual is late for an appointment they may speed recklessly because it's obvious they are late and they are an important unique individual. Don't be angry. Perhaps they are delivering a spleen to a hospital for an emergency transplant.

Say you accidentally hit someone with your car and kill them. If you're a unique individual then you reserve the right to avoid responsibility or punishment because you are important and, obviously, didn't mean to kill anyone today. This scenario is popular in government. Why should an important unique individual government figure be punished when they can be let off without any damage to their otherwise sparkling reputation?

So, to answer your question, you may not be important enough of a unique individual but there are those that are and they deserve to do whatever they like.

18-odd Years Of UER-ing!
Debi location:
Worcester County, MA
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Re: things that piss me off at my kids school
<Reply # 2 on 11/17/2009 4:24 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I also have a great little 6 year old that I pick up at school. Let me add to your list:

Teacher decided to keep my kid afterschool for poking another girl in the face. Teacher knows damn well that I take my lunch hour from work to pick her up, bring her to day care, then go back to work. I BARELY get this done within an hour. Instead of calling me to let me know what was going on so that I could make arrangements, there was NOTHING. Not to mention the slight panic I felt when every other kid had vacated the school, except mine.

The fact that they are meeting about whether or not to cancel the "Santa's Gift Shop" because they need to be politically correct to all the non-believers. Santa's Gift Shop is held during the school week in the gym where the kids go and buy little gifts for the families. They have been doing it for FORTY years. I have a better idea - if you don't want your kid participating in the gift shop, they don't send your kid to school with any money to participate, along with a note to the teacher that says "I do not want my kid participating". WTF???

Yesterday, two first grade sisters got seperated at the end of the day because one went to the bathroom. They actually told the one who was waiting that she needed to leave the school because it was after 2:15. The little girl was absolutely hysterical, but they still ushered her out of the school and told her to wait outside. Of course, when the sister came out of the bathroom and her sister was gone, she too became hysterical. She told the teacher that her mother told her that her and her sister were always to stay together. Double WTF?? We're talking about first graders here!

Luckily the parking and driving is pretty well handled at that school. But I certainly feel your pain.

M. Fuzzy location:
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Re: things that piss me off at my kids school
<Reply # 3 on 11/18/2009 3:46 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
School parking lots are always zoos. Full of soccer moms congregating in the parking lots with their SUV's and Tim Hortons waiting for little Timmy or Apple or Dakota to come running as soon as the bell rings. Right before there's always people speeding in to find a parking spot, and right after it becomes a race to get out before the clusterfuck starts. God help you if you're late and arrive after the bell while everyone is trying to get out of there.

High school parking lots are even worse, with kids recklessly speeding around in their cars with music blaring as soon as they get out. At my old one to get to the exit you needed to navigate a road shared with school buses, and if one of them so happened to park a little further out you had to squeeze on by or give 'em a honk. During night school it was even worse, since there were no buses everyone one arrived and parked along the exit routes waiting to pick up their kids. Insta-clusterfuck.

Thankfully I don't have to deal with that crap anymore.

Keep it fuzzy.
spirit730 location:
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Re: things that piss me off at my kids school
<Reply # 4 on 11/18/2009 4:44 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Oh man, do I hear you. The parking lot at the school where I teach is insane....and it is a MIDDLE SCHOOL WHERE MOST KIDS ARE SUPPOSED TO WALK TO SCHOOL. There have been many words exchanged between parents and teachers trying to keep kids from getting hit. Craziness.

You and me will all go down in history, with a sad Statue of Liberty, and a generation that didn't agree.
fedge location:
Gaud Corners, Ontario, Canada
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Re: things that piss me off at my kids school
<Reply # 5 on 11/18/2009 5:22 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I had to walk to school. Four miles in each direction. Double that during blizzards and pedocanes.

[last edit 11/18/2009 5:22 AM by fedge - edited 1 times]

18-odd Years Of UER-ing!
Infiltration Forums > Private Boards Index > Pissed Off > things that piss me off at my kids school(Viewed 999 times)

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