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Infiltration Forums > Private Boards Index > Section One Extreme UE and SPY talk > Hiding in a room or office(Viewed 3692 times)
HAMMERTIME location:
Reading Pennsylvania
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Hiding in a room or office
< on 2/2/2006 1:32 AM >
Posted on Forum: Infiltration ForumsQuote
An operative may find it necessary to conceal himself in a home or office while performing an operation. Take a few moments to look around the room that you are in or throughout your home and contemplate where you could hide if you had to hide . . . NOW!!
I had an opportunity to babysit my friend's childrem (approx ages 7, 9, 11) and to make the night fun, we played hide and seek - it was quite selfish on my part for I wanted to practice my ninja skills.
I hid . . .
1) In a coat closet but put an empty pair of boots in front of me to better conceal my legs.
2)In a fireplace, I pulled the cage back in place to make it harder to see me.
3) In a shower, but instead of pulling the shower curtain closed and drawing attention, I left it open half way and stood on the edge of the tub where the curtain was so that my body was not in the tub. The kid walked in, glanced to the shower, checked under the sink and left.
4) Inside of a pool table . . . I know, you are saying that I could not fit my fat ass into the underside of a pool table but believe it or not , I was thinner then and it concealed me perfectly. It took a bit of strength to spread eagle myself into position and hold it there but it worked.
Now, granted these were young children but they were actively looking for me, . . . An operative must be able to disappear quickly to avoid a homeowner or office worker who just happens to pop in during their mission. Try to find unusual places, or places that seem too small for a human to fit or become one with the furniture (like I did with the pool table).
If you hide under a desk, make sure to pull a chair up to the desk.
If you have a rope, tie one end to a radiator, make a foot loop and position yourself out the window and cover the rope with a towel, potted plant, etc.
Check to see if the room has a false ceiling,
Is there space behind the door when it opens or does it open outward?

Path Walker
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Mobile, AL
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 1 on 2/2/2006 5:12 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I once hid from my daughter on top of the refrigerator... But she was about two or three years old, so I suppose that doesn't really count. (Though my wife at the time was wondering exactly how I'd gotten myself up there.)

More on-topic; take into account things like 1) What you're wearing (color, texture, length of garment [trenchcoat, for example]), 2) possible condition/disposition of the person that may (or may not) be looking for you (i.e.: did they just come into a dark environment from a light one, or vice versa; how keen do you think their senses are, etc.), 3) your local environment and what you've got to work with (as HAMMER mentioned).

Here are my examples, though they're both outdoors:

1) I was able to hide less than three feet away from a man that was actively looking for "me" (i.e.: someone fitting my general description, as he hadn't gotten a good look). I was wearing a black suede bomber-style jacket and black BDU pants, black boots, with nothing covering my head but my dark-brown hair (back when I had hair) and nothing over my hands. I laid face-down on a pile of dirt under his deck at the back door I'd just come out of. There was a thick layer of snow in his back yard, so I knew that I'd never make it to the winding back-country road beyond his treeline fast enough or without leaving an obvious trail. I tucked my hands up under my chest so that the white of my pale-ass skin wouldn't give me away, and literally focused on being invisible. Laugh if you want, but as you'll see, it's not the first time I've done it, it wasn't the last time I've done it, and it worked. That's right, he came right up to the back door, not three feet away from where I was laying on the dirt pile, checked to ensure the door was locked (it was), then ran back around to the front of the house. At that point, I made my escape, without being seen, while he and his girlfriend interrogated his daughter as to why some kid was in their home while they were away... (ah, those good ol' high school days when the parents left.)

2) I was able to hide on top of the wheels of an 18-wheeler's trailer at a salt depot near the railroad tracks near where I live while another man was actively looking for me. Ironically, I was wearing pretty much the same clothes as mentioned above (though this was an entirely different incident). The man had spotted me walking along the tracks, and I had run, so he had pursued me. I ran around the trailer (which was one of those long, dump-truck-style trailers they use to haul enormous loads of roadsalt), jumped on top of the wheels and bent myself in half (back when I could do such amazing things like, you know, touch my toes without bending my knees), again tucking my hands in to my chest and hiding my head between my arms. Here's the kicker: the trailer was white and it was broad daylight. This man came within ten feet of me, probably looked right at me, but didn't see me; again, I was focusing on being invisible. Minutes later, my father walked back to his car, and eventually that night I came home after having had spent three days "running away from home" and then getting bored and lonely. He still says to this day he cannot fathom how he did not see me.

In both cases, I had to consider what I was wearing, therefore what in my immediate environment I could reasonably blend in with, and in the first scenario I took into account the man having come from a brightly lit house into the dimly lit back yard and area under a deck, which I used to my advantage. Similar tactics can be applied in the situations HAMMER brings up, hiding indoors. Keep in mind the color/shade you're wearing in comparison to the environment; wearing grey BDU's, you should be able to blend reasonably well into the area under a desk or table, behind a door, etc. What kind of environment are your pursuers coming from; more appropriately, how adjusted do you think their eyes will be to the (presumably dark) environment you're in (and, most importantly, can they simply turn on the lights to find you easier?). Make sure no part of your body is exposed (HAMMER mentions utilizing a pair of boots in front of himself to hide his own feet while in a closet) and that the normal functions of your body (namely breathing, especially in colder climates) won't betray your presence. And focus on being invisible, literally. It worked for me.

Most importantly, keep a clear escape route in mind, and make it something that's easily accessible. Don't plan on pole-vaulting people, partitions, doorways, stacks of crates or storage boxes, etc. in order to get away. Preferably something that you can slink your way to while maintaining some semblence of concealment; you're trying to avoid confrontation, but if you're spotted, you want a quick and easy getaway.


Insanity is a city.
fraxFF location:
Rochester, NY
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 2 on 2/3/2006 1:07 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Posted by Walker of Unseen Paths
And focus on being invisible, literally. It worked for me.

good point, it also helps to avoid staring at the person you're hiding from. Sometimes when you focus on a person they can just turn around and look right back at you.

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FoxTwoFoxTwo location:
Clarksville, Tennessee
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 3 on 2/5/2006 10:21 PM >
Posted on Forum: Quote
Also, if it is cold enough for your breath to show, breath through your nose. Less moisture can condensate than through your saliva filled mouth (yeah, even though under those circumstances, your mouth will probably feel like a cotton ball)

Also take into account the shapes in the room. If the place is dark but filled with tall furniture (lamps, fake trees, etc.) don't crouch and expect to stay hidden. Also, try to breakup your outline as it is easy to spot with the human eye.

Bringing exploration to Clarksville.

Journal: | RUAUER!?!?!?111ONE??QUESTIONMARK | FoxTwoFoxTwo - "I just ordered a large. I have a relatively huge head so yeah..."
monster location:
Sugarland, TX / Minneapolis MN
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 4 on 12/30/2007 4:08 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
I was playing Hide & Seek at my friend's house and I was one of the people hiding. I hid in a storage closet and buried myself under bags of clothes and other junk. I was the last person found and nobody was able to find me until I started banging on the door because I thought I locked myself in the closet.

My point is tho, if you are hiding, it is extremely effective to bury yourself amongst junk. Works every time. Unless they have sniffer dogs of course!

To this day, Hide & Seek is still my favorite game

[last edit 12/30/2007 4:09 AM by monster - edited 1 times]

emck00 location:
518/315, New York.
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 5 on 1/20/2008 4:26 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
last year on a retreat, playing hide and seek in a dark dormlike house, one of my leaders hid ontop of the shower, with her hands on the shower rod..its hard to explain but no one could find her.

XavierReed   |  | 
Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 6 on 2/9/2008 7:08 PM >
Posted on Forum: Infiltration ForumsQuote
In highschool I once hid in the middle of class by lying on a table on the side of the room and putting my hood up. I guess I was just so out of place that no one saw me for a good five minutes into class.

Tyralus location:
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 7 on 4/21/2008 4:44 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Back in the days of junior high, I'd play hide and seek (in the dark) almost every day in drama class. The room was large, had many climbable objects, and a false ceiling, so I was quite fond of going up into the false ceiling and relaxing on the rafters. I was never found.

aurelie location:
pacific northwest
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 8 on 6/8/2008 11:22 PM >
Posted on Forum: Infiltration ForumsQuote
i too have hidden on top of a refrigerator, in between the shower curtains and in the back of closets. i've also hidden under a wheelbarrow and behind a flat screen tv. (i'm a very slender female).

once, some friends and i were playing a game we call 'killer' (a hybrid of hide and seek) and i hid by simply dropping to the floor and laying silently.

granted, i've also won a game of hide and seek by standing in the corner of a dimly-lit room with a small wicker basket on my head. no lie.
i guess i'm just good at disappearing.

as for tips, i'll add
-avoid hiding in places where small shifts and movements can potentially create noise. that can be very irritating.
- pay attention to the location of any light sources/shadows.
- i've noticed that people usually expect you to hide on ground level and are less likely to look in higher places.

reckless thoughts abide; anachronistic and impulsive.

loosely jacketed against the cold and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.
ActionSatisfaction Esq. location:
Newark, NJ
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 9 on 6/23/2008 8:56 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Here's probably my favorite story about using stealth and almost-plain-sight to at first escape an entire police force. It's a bit long, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the epic story of my almost-escape.

-Yes, I once managed to ALMOST escape probably 6 cops cars and at least 12 cops who were looking for me. The reason for the search? Me and my buddies were lighting off fireworks at night in an abandoned field behind a supermarket, some idiot thought firecrackers were gunshots and called it in. In my little town, a shots fired call gets you pretty much every single cop and car not already dealing with somebody else.

Anyway, we had actually finished and were leaving the area through a hole in the fence which encloses the field, and I was the first person to come through the hole. I also happened to be piggy-backing one of my friends for some reason or other. As soon as I came through I saw a pair of cops about 50 feet down the railroad track (which runs past the place) coming towards me screaming for me to freeze, so of course, like any 15 year old, I threw my friend onto the ground, and ran as fast as I could in the other direction.

My friend on the ground, and the ones still stumbling through the hole in the fence were caught like deer in headlights, as they started coming through right as the police chasing me came to the spot in the fence, which I suppose took the cops attention away from me, allowing me to escape.

I ran at least 2 blocks down the tracks, as the first cross street I got to already had cop cars on each side blazing down the street towards the tracks. At the second street with cops hot on my tail, I made a quick turn. I had about 10 seconds before I was swarmed, I could already see the lights coming on the cross streets, and hear the officers on foot running down the tracks.

My choices were also grim; on one side of the street, a long building with a large lawn, no bushes or even stairs to conceal myself on. On the other side, a smaller building with some small bushes out front and a pair of low concrete stairs. I immediately dove under the bushes, pushed up about a foot from the ground and curled myself around the side of the bush best as possible.

I covered everything shiny I was wearing, and tried to curl as small as possible, all the while trying not to fall out of the bush, or so much as shake it. Suddenly they swarmed the street, a cop car on each side of the tracks, and all the cops that had been chasing me from 2 blocks or more.

What seemed like an entire platoon of police ran down the street, more then one shining their lights directly at my hiding spot, and passing by. Some came slower, walking and searching harder, but still I remained unfound! I was sweating bullets, my hands were death clenched around the spiky branches of the tiny bush I managed to stick myself in, and all the insects which I had disturbed were suddenly exploring my body, but still I held on.
Suddenly the big searchlight from one of the cop cars came sweeping up the side of the building, all along the base. The car drove slowly up the street, and I watched as the light came closer and closer. Then suddenly it was on me... For what seemed like an eternity the light poured into every crack in that bush, my mind screamed in the anticipation of hearing them screaming, calling me out of the bush..... And then.... it was gone!

I was brimming with joy and thinking I would actually make it when the car turned around and headed back down the street, lighting up the other side.... Until I saw another cop car come around the corner near the other end of the street.

And with that car, almost all the cops that had run down the street chasing after me in the first place. They walked along side the car, searchlight on, flashlights in hand, back up toward my hiding place. At that moment I almost gave myself up, but I held on, thinking my luck would hold out... Yet, alas.. as they came upon my hiding place the car suddenly stopped... There was a long excruciating pause.. and then.. "HEY! THERE HE IS! GET HIM!!" from one voice, "DON'T MOVE SON! SLOWLY PUT YOUR HANDS OUT AND ROLL AWAY FROM THE BUSH ONTO YOUR STOMACH!!" from another.

Needless to say, I did as was told. I was stepped on and kneed in the back, immediately cuffed and my pockets were ran, while they crushed my cigarettes and made fun of me. They explained the shots fired call and laughed that it was just fireworks. Then one of them told me I was in big trouble because I made him run, and he hated running. They all laughed at that but I was miserable.

They brought me back to where they were holding my friends in the parking lot, made a shitload of fun of us, and told me how the reflection off one of my (brand new Adidas with the reflectors so drivers see you running at night) shoes gave me away. They talked about how boring the night had been, how they were tired and just wanted to kick off and have a beer, and said that if we promised they would never see our faces again for something like this, they'd let us go. We promised in a hurry and that was that.

Needless to say, I was lucky I didn't get shot, and astounded they didn't at least take us in. Sometimes it just works out that way I guess. Hope you enjoyed!

"The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life." - T.R.
Olaf location:
Wilmingon, NC
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 10 on 7/17/2008 6:33 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
There is one time that I have to share, my all time favorite. A couple months ago Adam and I had some friends over, I think 4 of our female friends and two other guys we know. Anyway it had been nice and quiet while we were playing some Mario Kart then after a bit we decided to watch a movie so I put in Twilight Zone the movie. As our building is so old there are larger than normal gaps between the bricks outside. Now the mortar is sound and all that, there is just more room for fingers. There used to be old balconies on our side of the building but they were taken down some years ago and only the frames remain. Well anyway in our living room is a door that opens to nowhere, it is screwed into the frame now and has blinds over it but it's a door none the less. At this point we had a hell of a thunder and lightning storm going but not a drop of rain. So I waited until a little while into the movie and quietly excused myself as everyone was sucked into the film, no lights were on in our place so it was very dark. I went to my room and crawled out one of my windows with my harness on and 20' of climbing rope and a pulley. Long story short I climbed around the corner of the building and tossed my rope up to the framework of the old balcony above me and tied myself in with the rope through the pulley. Thus being secured to the building I quietly started scratching on the glass window to that living room door (mind you our apartment is on the sixth floor) where everyone was now very wrapped up in what many would call a very scary movie. I could hear just enough through the window despite the immense booming of the storm (it was a wild son of a bitch let me tell you) to know how far along they were. Every minute I would scratch a little more at the window and just a little louder, every so often bumping it with my fist so it would rattle. After Jon Lithgow first sees the critter on the wing of the airplane I started to scratch harder. About ten minutes later I heard Sharla call out in a slow voice "what's that noise?" one of our close lady friends who came over to hang out with the group. She sounded freaked out to high heaven so I waited ten seconds and scratched some more. Sure enough without missing a beat another girl goes "there's.... something outside your window Adam" to which Curtis replies "that's the storm shaking the glass". The girls at this point are scared shitless and insist someone go peek through the blinds "just to make sure". So Curtis, all macho and shit gets up and stomps over to the other side of the room. I was already waiting at the balcony level above me having hopingly anticipated his reaction (the balconies have their frames but nothing in the way of floors, just big open spaces). So Curtis goes over to the window, grabs the cord for the blinds and with a yank takes them right to the ceiling just as I rappel down into view as fast as I can and bang on the glass.

Curtis jumps out of his skin and the four girls nearly bust our windows screaming their fucking heads off! To my unimaginable luck a series of lighting flashes go off just about the same time so I'm all lit up from behind and look like some scary monster from hell.

I never laughed so hard in my life, if I hadn't been tied to the building I'm sure I would have fallen off!

... Some people weren't very happy with me when I came back in but those who weren't screaming were laughing as hard as I was.


[last edit 7/17/2008 6:34 AM by Olaf - edited 1 times]

"I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum"

Olaf location:
Wilmingon, NC
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Re: Hiding in a room or office
<Reply # 11 on 7/17/2008 6:53 AM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
Sorry I got wrapped up in my story and forgot to contribute. I am a small guy and have been into climbing for most of my 27 years so hide and seek has always been one of my favorite games. My climbing addiction has come in very useful more times than I can count in getting into and sometimes out of places. I agree with Aurelie that people seldom look up very far if at all even when searching for someone. I'm not sure why this is but it is a big plus in your favor when hiding. The same goes for looking out windows and other uncommon places. Most people's brains just don't work that way so they don't even think to look there.

-colors that are close to your environment is always useful
-no reflective surfaces or bright colors
-using shadow and shapes to fool the eye
-hide in strange places where few will think to look
-breathe slowly and calmly
-if you have to move use natural sounds around you to mask your own ie. the sounds of those who are looking for you, a train or car going by, people talking etc
-watch your footing, you don't want to run into, knock over or disturb anything that will give you away
-use light to your advantage, for example if you are on the opposite side of a light source that shines in one direction you will be INVISIBLE to someone downrange of that light (night time) who must look in the lights direction, as you are on the other side (ideally directly behind it, not just above or below and behind) they CANNOT see you
-there is definitely something to be said about not looking at your pursuer as well as the possible benefits of thinking neutral thoughts ie. "I am not here, I am invisible, you don't see me, there is nothing here" etc
-be creative

Oh yes one more thing, if you are running/hiding from someone at night and they are near but do not actually have you in sight then do this. Crouch down on all fours or just lay on the ground right where you are. At night unless there is ample light this technique makes it MUCH harder to see a person. The reason this is effective is two fold. First people search at roughly human height, we have all noticed this from personal experience and the sharing of others stories here. Second as you get lower to the ground not only are you moving out of the zone people will be searching for you but you are now blending in with the ground and are not silhouetted against the background. This works in all manner of environments from outside to indoors, a golf course to an alley or bedroom. Try it sometime with your friends and you'll see what I mean.

*Modified once for spelling, second because I forgot the last bit.

[last edit 7/17/2008 7:05 AM by Olaf - edited 2 times]

"I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum"

Infiltration Forums > Private Boards Index > Section One Extreme UE and SPY talk > Hiding in a room or office(Viewed 3692 times)

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