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Infiltration Forums > UE Videos > The Roberts House(Viewed 1005 times)
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The Roberts House
< on 12/2/2015 2:48 PM >
Posted on Forum: UER ForumQuote
In 1952, Fred and Florence Roberts commissioned Paul Williams, the first certified African-American architect west of the Mississippi, to design a Polynesian-style home later featured in Architectural Digest.It is known to some as the Roberts House, but many chose to call it the Williams House, preferring to refer to it by the name of the man who built it rather than those who bought it. Besides its historical significance, the house has a slightly tragic but amusingly ironic history.Concerned about the area's high fire risk, Fred Roberts insisted that Williams include an elaborate fire protection system for the home, and build using only fire resistant materials -- but Williams' carefully thought out system of pumps, pipes, and water-collecting pools could only put off the inevitable for so long in an area geographically prone to constant wildfires, and in 1982, that fire came.Burning through the canyon to the ocean, the firestorm all but destroyed the famous house. Once the flames had moved on, little remained; the foundation, a bomb shelter, a bathtub and a small studio, and in a glorious twist of irony, four fireplaces. The ruins still occupy the site today.
Previously comprised of privately owned roads and equestrian trails, the ruins were inaccessible. Thanks to the efforts of Bill Dempsey, a resident and real estate developer, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy acquired the Roberts house in 1988, as well as enough of the land to make it available to the public.

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Infiltration Forums > UE Videos > The Roberts House(Viewed 1005 times)

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