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To2600 Web Board > Forum Announcements > On the road to Better Times (Viewed 8642 times)

Alpha Husky

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On the road to Better Times
< on 4/12/2006 9:11 PM >

Posted on Forum: UER Forum
(note to anyone reading this now: this is from april 2006 and most of this no longer applies.)

Hello, respected members of UER,

I've already made allusions to this in other posts, but I will repeat it here for clarity. I have decided to step down as "commander-in-chief" of UER. Three and a half years of running a site like this takes it's toll on you, and it's time for me to move back to the thing which interests me more: Exploring. Of course, I will still be here on UER, just not in an official capacity. Bill Gates did it with Microsoft, now it's time for me to do it with UER.

So, you can consider this my last post on UER as someone in a position of power.

Many of you have voted in the recent Global Poll. You can see detailed results in this thread. It was an incredible turnout, with over 750 votes placed.

So, in accordance with the wishes of the majority (that's you guys!), I am turning over administrative control of UER to the existing group of moderators; those very same people who have worked hard day and night to make this site great for everyone.

Any forum issues which are raised, such as bannings, policy changes, removing and adding features, etc will be voted on by the moderators in private. It will be a truly democratic process -- Each moderator will have their vote count.

The moderators will be self-policing. If you have a problem with a moderator, you may bring it up to another moderator and they will discuss it. Suffice to say, there will be nobody going "drunk with power" -- the moderators are here to keep the site running smoothly and that's it. And they know it.

Some of you may be wondering what became of the election idea which was suggested two weeks ago.

First, let me assure you that it was not simply some kind of stunt. I really was hoping that the elections would be the best fit for UER, and many of the members and moderators on UER invested a lot of time and energy into thinking about the elections.

So, what happened? I can sum it up in three points:

1. The most obvious answer is that most of you do not want elections. That's how you voted; you can't really argue with that.

2. I was hoping that news of elections on UER would calm people down; would help relax the flow of negativity; would let people chill out. But that has not happened -- this past week has been one of the most frustrating I've ever had to deal with.

3. The third reason is a point that many of you brought up, and which is also shown in the huge amounts of "I don't care / Abstain" votes: This is a forum, not a country. Our connection is our curiosity, not our fondness for politics. We should be exploring with each other, not trying to piss each other off or arguing to death. We don't need a government, we just need people to respect each other and not fight all the damn time.

The moderators are in power now. They may decide at some future point to have an election, but it's no longer my decision. You have voted to give them the power, and I don't think you will be disappointed.

With all that said, let's get some nitty-gritty out of the way.

As this site is supposed to be about UE, the "Forum Issues" board will soon be removed. If you have an issue with the forum, please contact a moderator. I'll probably put in some kind of form soon, so you can send a message which will be viewed by all moderators.

A new forum will be created, called "Forum Announcements". This will be akin to a "news" posting -- Information about new features, upgrades, and other newsworthy items will be posted there, and nothing more.

From now on, please direct any non-personal questions you have to the nearest moderator. I will only respond to personal, non-forum-issue messages.

Wow, that was a lot of reading. Guess what I'm doing right now? That's right, I'm on my way out to explore something. I saw a neat abandoned factory just down the street on my last lunch break, and I'm going to take a look. It's liberating not to have to worry about UER politics -- you should try it too.

Sincerely, your former administrator,


[last edit 3/18/2007 5:37 AM by Avatar-X - edited 2 times]

huskies - such fluff.
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