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UER Forum > Journal Index > The Remarkably Unremarkable Tales of Proe24 > The Virgin Killer (Viewed 1164 times)
The Virgin Killer
entry by Proe24 
9/1/2010 11:21 AM

The day I lost my virginity to Urban Exploration was filled with retardedly sweaty hands, a fast beating heart and about a million of the same questions asking "Where do we park?!"

All of this, of course, was from me.

You see, where we were going had was in no way particularly dangerous in the sense of Security. Sure there was a big as f**k "No Trespassing; Violators will be Prosecuted" sign that sat right out at the entrance of the worn down strip of gravel.

The entrance sat on Dixie Highway, which is slightly busy, and especially was because it was rush hour and was no more than a football field away from the entrance of the Industrial Park that owned it. We passed the place three times that day just in attempts to be unseen when we turn on the path... The plan failed, every freaking time we were about to pull in, another car/semi would show up. Well, wasting unnecessary gas, I summed up all the courage and said "F**k it" and we pulled in with a semi on it's way behind us.

See, my problem is that I have the "If something was ever to go wrong, it will go wrong when I'm there" attitude. (Hence a slight fear of planes and roller coasters). That one dick cop would show up and take my license away and I would be prosecuted and sent to jail that day.

Well, luckily, he never came.

We drove up that narrow, worn down gravel path with my car (1998 Toyota Corolla) bottoming out every three to four seconds. After that physically short (yet mentally long as hell) drive, we turned off to the right where the old driveway used to be of the farmhouse they tore down when building the complex. (why they kept the barn which was going to fall down anyways is totally unknown to me).

We got out, it was hot as hell and I was just wearing plain shorts (I brought jeans and boots, but didn't feel like changing into them), but I had managed to get a small victory added to my Personal Morale, as I am sure the others did too (Recovery93 and Whootsinator)

All that was left to worry about was the small walk over to the actual barn; which, in some spots, had a clear, open view of the highway. So we managed to make the short one longer by going way out of our way to be clear of anyone seeing us (though there was an entire open industrial park to our 6 I guess we didn't feel like worrying about).

We finally made it to the barn and made our hasty entrance through a broken-open side door, that just so happened to have a large amount of poison-oak on the left side. After successfully entering the barn without getting oaked, we were (or at least I was) finally able to get a big wave of relief fall over me as I didn't have to worry about being seen anymore. (I am sure you guys know the feeling.)

We came in in a crowded stall filled with debris and other miscellaneous items items left here by the owners previous owners. One of which, of course, was a lonely chair. The place was clearly sagging on one side and quite obviously the full-sized loft that hung above us was not the safest place to be, but we figured that after we were done looking around at the bottom level we'd make our way up.

Every stall there was filled with something, all of course being the junk they left behind. We were able to find some pretty cool things (though we didn't take any souvenirs) including a gigantic old-time vinyl disc player that had to have been the size of a desk pretty big office desk (looked like one top).

After our brisk exploring at the bottom, we made our way of the eastern side of the barn to the old stairs. Now, this loft wasn't a normal loft, it was basically a second floor that went all the way across with two lift-doors to drop/throw hay up to the top. So needless to say, it was pretty big. Once we made it to the top you could see just how big the barn really was, but more importantly you could see that the only place you were going to want to walk up here was where the beams ran underneath.

The side nearest the stairs was completely rotten, obviously due to the fact that the rain normally blew in through those windows. It was blackened and easy to see how soft and pliable the remaining planks there were. Though, it wasn't that side we wanted to get to.

It must have taken 15 minutes to get to the other side of that barn, which on normal occasion should take about 30 seconds maximum. This was all a part of the fact that each step we took had to be precise and thought out, or you may possibly fall through and drop from a painful height.

There wasn't much to see up there, but getting to the back window was all we were going to do anyways. After we finally made it, we decided it would be a pretty cool picture, so Whootsinator went back to set up the camera and Tripod and we took a few more final pictures before we decided it was time to head out.

All and all, the trip was pretty awesome. I mean it definitely wasn't the coolest place to go to, as I am sure you could tell, but it was definitely very memorable and was what really sparked my interest in urban exploring.

Basically, it was a good place to lose your UE Virginity to.

Left: Whootsinator | Middle: Proe24 | Right: Recovery93

[last edit 9/1/2010 7:46 PM by Proe24 - edited 2 times]
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