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UER Forum > US: Pacific Northwest > Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public) (Viewed 3910 times)

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Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< on 6/20/2014 7:22 PM >
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Some modern ruins are perfectly legal to explore. One is an abandoned series of railroad snowsheds near Stevens Pass thru which threads the Iron Goat trail. (In lieu of trespassing for excitement, you could try evading the requirement to purchase a Forest Service parking permit).

To get there, pick up mostly-paved Tye Road north and a bit west of the ski lodge and follow it west.


Take the right turn to the site of Wellington.


There's nothing left of the town but some foundations; but you can admire the fully-functional tank we noticed under a tarp; it's used for avalanche control. The trail quickly leads into the first and best preserved of a series of snowsheds and tunnels.






Why it's called the "Iron Goat;"

Washington Trails Association page on this trail;

[last edit 6/20/2014 7:36 PM by Ganesha - edited 2 times]

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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 1 on 6/21/2014 12:24 AM >
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Thats Awesome dude. I love abandoned railroads and grades.

When there is tranquility, you are in the right place. When there are no footprints, you are on the right path. When there are no tire tracks, you are on the right road.

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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 2 on 6/21/2014 2:29 AM >
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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 3 on 8/4/2014 7:18 PM >
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Went there recently as well, started at the interpretive site instead of the Wellington end and took the upper and lower trails.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 4 on 8/13/2014 12:22 AM >
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#3 and #5 are my favs. #3 reminds me of "Lost."

"The beauty of mediocrity is that anything can make you better." -Jeff Mallett

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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 5 on 2/3/2015 3:31 PM >
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I was just reading up in my hiking guidebook while on the john, and noticed it mentions the old cascade crest tunnel (goes right through the mountains to avoid more climbing) is closed and unsafe... which made me wonder about it. Did you happen to try heading east and see what the tunnel entrance looked like?

There is also a rail tunnel under Snoqualmie Pass which is open and walkable, and I have been meaning to go up there and check it out. We should plan a meetup and go up there sometime!

I also didn't know there was access from the Wellington side, I thought you had to hike in from the interpretive site down where MAV started. Thanks for the info

"See you guys, you never listen to me. I said there was gonna be trouble but you didn't listen to me. You guys are crazy. You know, you guys are self destructive. There's a funny farm and it has your names written all over it. But I'm gettin' out of here. I'm... I smell ice cream!"

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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 6 on 2/3/2015 8:26 PM >
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Cool! It's nice to have a few options for exploring that don't involve trespassing

Jim Sullivan @placesthatwere

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Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 7 on 2/3/2015 8:45 PM >
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Posted by LuminousAphid
... Did you happen to try heading east and see what the tunnel entrance looked like?

Not east from Wellington. To the west, there are several snowsheds in various stages of ruin. Then a tunnel, length hard to estimate, I'd say about 400 feet. It's open at both ends, other than some rubble. Warning signs and nominal barricades are just inside; we stopped there. Don't know if there were other tunnels.

1. West portal

Last week I tried to ski down to the Wellington trailhead from Stevens Pass on the old highway. But the snow lower down was crappy, it was raining, and I was getting too far from the bus; so I gave up the project.

2. Old highway

There is also a rail tunnel under Snoqualmie Pass which is open and walkable, and I have been meaning to go up there and check it out. We should plan a meetup and go up there sometime!

Sure, I'd like to get together. This is also a public site. We bicycled thru it, that was fun and didn't take too long.

[last edit 2/3/2015 8:47 PM by Ganesha - edited 1 times]

"The beauty of mediocrity is that anything can make you better." -Jeff Mallett

Location: Seattle
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Re: Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public)
< Reply # 8 on 2/3/2015 9:42 PM >
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Hey, I probably wanna go too!

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire... Tunnelrunner33!
UER Forum > US: Pacific Northwest > Iron Goat trail, near Stevens Pass, WA (public) (Viewed 3910 times)

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