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UER Forum > US: Southeast > NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014 (Viewed 16156 times)

Location: west county
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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 40 on 9/10/2014 4:43 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
this seems more like no exit MSP ELITE....

so that being said...

yes there is a rule of 25 pics per thread, but that rule gets broken all the damn time. so... post at will but if it is multiple locations, it might be better to part it out over a few threads.

yes, there is a rule about being an ass to the op, but that also gets broken all the damn time. so... imho, if you dont have anything nice to say, keep your pie hole shut. (unless you are the fish guy- in that case S.E. knows that the fish guy rules the S.E. and we should all give him 10% of our take home pay)

also, while there is no rule on "quality" of pics posted, (and god knows we all have been in our infancy with a camera) always look at your pics before posting them. if it looks like a blurry pic of a hooker doing her job in a dark alley for $5 with a bum, but is actually a a high end call girl in a nude implied shot of an old rusted boiler in the background while shitting in a broken toilet (in black and white of course), then please rethink that pic. that being said, S.E. is NOT the photography section and any and all pics from the S.E. area should be welcome.

and in closing, this area is dedicated to exploring in the South East area.... so... if it is of a location in the South East it can and should be posted. if it is of photographic excellence, then post or repost it in the photography section in the main area.

now i will go back and start to read this thread from the beginning.

When I say I'm 'clean and sober', it means I've showered and I'm headed to the liquor store.

Location: west county
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 909 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 41 on 9/10/2014 4:57 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
after reviewing all the photos in this thread, it look like a damn fine explore!

Posted by A Through Z Explorations

It was Therrin.

and after reviewing all the posts... all i can say is... "never forget"

photo taken last october in Gary Indiana.

When I say I'm 'clean and sober', it means I've showered and I'm headed to the liquor store.
A Through Z Explorations 

Location: Area 51A
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 288 likes

INTRUDER ALERT! "I only came to dance." -Combichrist

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 42 on 9/10/2014 5:25 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by dammband
This is the real no exit photographer.1.
351024.jpg (50 kb, 450x600)
click to view

LMBO at the Funsaver and Poochie there! Hi-larious.

"It's just a dance, not romance."

Total Likes: 194 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 43 on 9/10/2014 5:32 AM >
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Post by dammband
Nomeus, you are trying to pick a fight. That's what no exit Orlando is for. Until then... Bye

Seriously? In all the many years that SP.E.C.T.R.E. has held the Festicles for the people of the SE we have never crossed that line and threatened anyone. This makes me sad.

~the Once-ler


Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 454 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 44 on 9/10/2014 5:38 AM >
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Posted by Once-ler

Seriously? In all the many years that SP.E.C.T.R.E. has held the Festicles for the people of the SE we have never crossed that line and threatened anyone. This makes me sad.

~the Once-ler

Thanks for having my back


Total Likes: 194 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 45 on 9/10/2014 6:21 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Post by dammbandPosted
Thanks for having my back

Its not about having anyone's back db, its about threatening people, we just don't do that. Nomeus had a valid point, it was his opinion on posting etiquette. Just a constructive criticism that got blown way, way out of proportion. He even called us out as well way back in the day and said that he didn't see the need for everyone to post all their Festicle pics in the same thread. Its no big deal. In fact he is probably quite correct in his suggestion that fewer pics compressed to a smaller size makes a more attractive post. Lord knows that I've been guilty of posting way too many shitty shots in a single thread and trying to pass it off and hope that no one notices.

~the Once-ler


Location: west county
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 909 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 46 on 9/10/2014 6:50 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Once-ler has 38 "likes" *I* have 426 "likes" and thats like a Hemi or some such shit.

just sayin...

When I say I'm 'clean and sober', it means I've showered and I'm headed to the liquor store.

Total Likes: 194 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 47 on 9/10/2014 7:08 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum

Fuck you and your Pakistani like farm bizatch ;)


Location: west county
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 909 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 48 on 9/10/2014 7:38 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Once-ler

Fuck you and your Pakistani like farm bizatch ;)

you spelled "dodge product" wrong.

When I say I'm 'clean and sober', it means I've showered and I'm headed to the liquor store.

Location: Atlanta, GA
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 194 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 49 on 9/10/2014 12:28 PM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
DB: I've bought all my gear with money from my job. Last time I checked, you still don't have have one of those. So maybe you should watch who you pick on.

That being said, its not a problem if someone wants to post non "artistic" photos. UER is home to a large group of people with varying levels of photography abilities. But no one wants to look through 30 photos that poorly tell the story of a location. No one stepped out of the forum rules until you decided to start attacking people and threatening people *once again*. Constructive criticism should be accepted in the forums, just because you don't agree with someones opinion doesn't give you permission to start attacking them.


Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 454 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 50 on 9/10/2014 1:32 PM >
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I do have a job. Had one for almost two months now.


Location: ATL
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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 51 on 9/10/2014 3:10 PM >
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This thread got me like...

Make what you can.

Location: Atlanta- ITP
Total Likes: 158 likes

OTP sucks.

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 52 on 9/10/2014 3:27 PM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by dammband
Or should I bring up the restraining order that I'm pushing for an injunction that I filed today after his weekend antics.

Wait, this got passed over too easily. Obviously you're full of shit, like usual DB, but still, you're going to claim to have filed a restraining order against turtl because he showed up at a site No Exit was doing, after one member texted him that y'all were having trouble getting in, after using information from him to know that the site was opened in the first place...? If you are legitimately taking legal action against him, you need to be banned.

Edit: spelling

[last edit 9/10/2014 4:35 PM by Oelky - edited 1 times]


Total Likes: 34 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 53 on 9/11/2014 1:02 AM >
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ohhh shit. now i see.

dot CO... not dot COM

Location: Mid-Atlantic
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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 54 on 9/11/2014 1:19 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Let's get things back on track here and stop being assholes to each other Some people don't do photos...they just explore and like to document. Some people are photographers who just started exploring several months ago. Whatever. Do what you do A big thanks to Dammband, credit where it is due afterall, for putting on No Exit and welcoming out-of-town explorers!

Untitled by PressingLeap, on Flickr

Untitled by PressingLeap, on Flickr

Untitled by PressingLeap, on Flickr

Untitled by PressingLeap, on Flickr

Location: Where ever I am is where I'm at.
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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 55 on 9/11/2014 1:47 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Calm down children... don't make me get the hose!!!

Damn the man, save the empire!

Location: Western NC
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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 56 on 9/11/2014 2:23 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for the kind welcome to the meet up, dammband. It's very cool of you to welcome long-time explorers from out of state... as well as help new people in your area get their foot in the door. Credit to ya dear! Had a lot of fun with you all

Untitled by SlateGrayAmazed, on Flickr

Untitled by SlateGrayAmazed, on Flickr

Untitled by SlateGrayAmazed, on Flickr

[last edit 9/11/2014 2:24 AM by SlateGrayAmazed - edited 1 times]

Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 454 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 57 on 9/11/2014 2:26 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for the kind words. This site was created for people to share.


Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 454 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 58 on 9/11/2014 2:32 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Oelky

Wait, this got passed over too easily. Obviously you're full of shit, like usual DB, but still, you're going to claim to have filed a restraining order against turtl because he showed up at a site No Exit was doing, after one member texted him that y'all were having trouble getting in, after using information from him to know that the site was opened in the first place...? If you are legitimately taking legal action against him, you need to be banned.

Edit: spelling

You were not there. You have no idea. What would I get banned for? Stealing photos? Contributing to the forums? Holding three events for new people to meet others.?


Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Male
Total Likes: 454 likes

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Re: NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014
< Reply # 59 on 9/11/2014 4:12 AM >
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Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks to all who have made NO EXIT possible.

UER Forum > US: Southeast > NO EXIT!!! ATLANTA 9-6-2014 (Viewed 16156 times)
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